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After the incident with Naruto, I had to get myself back to normal. I came up with a plan, to make it look like I just returned from a mission. At the moment, I was walking through the gates, into the village. One I entered, I knew I was safe from my secret being let out. As I walked to the training fields, I stopped, and hard someone behind me.
"Who's there?" I asked. I was in the forest part of the village, it could've been anyone.
"Show yourself," I called. I felt a presence behind me, and I spun around. I face someone in a mask, and uniform. It was an ANBU black ops agent.
"What do you want?" I asked. He grabbed my arm, tightly, and I went to grow a punch, but hr grabbed my fist, stopping it.
"Aww, don't you remember me, Emari?" He said. Who is this guy? I don't know, but please be careful! If your hurt, it hurts me too! You know.....except for chakara. I don't care, just let me out! Shut up! I need to focus! Kongoji, go into my subconscious, and look for something similar to this guy. On it. I swung a leg below him, and he jumped it.
"It's me, your old buddy, Kabuto," he released my arm, and took off his mask. The boy had glasses, and light sky-ish colored hair. I found something! Okay, lay it on me. Kabuto; it says he became Orochimaru's right hand man, when you failed a mission. There's other things.....but they're kind of...... Dark Emari style! Yeesh, Orochimaru is such a sadist......
"Yeah, I remember you. So, how's Orochimaru?" I asked as he let me go.
"Fine, and well. He wanted me to come and get you," he said.
"If I refuse?" I asked.
"Then, I take you, by force," He suddenly reached an arm out, I dodged it, but he swung his other fist, into the side of my neck. I tumbled to the ground, he came closer, and I v his legs out from under him. Once he fell to the ground, he jumped right back up, and smashed a foot onto the center of my back. My face was smashed into the ground.
"I won't let you take me that easy," I pushed myself up, with all my force, sending my chakara into my arms and hands. I forced his leg up, grabbed it, and swung him into the dirt. I got up, breathing raggedly. This guy's really good..... So? You're strong, you can take him! Let me out, and he'll be demolished in no time flat. No, I've got this.......I've got this......I've got this....... Kabuto got up, and wiped a a bit of blood from his mouth. He smiled, and I looked at him, confused.
"See, you missed the whole plan," he said. A sharp pain ran through my legs, from my ankles. I looked down, and there were two snakes. Their fangs digging into my skin, I was paralyzed. I began to fall, but Kabuto caught me.
"See, wasn't that easy?" He said, carrying me, and walking away.

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