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Emari, you are so lucky I'm using my chakara to keep your Blood Bond Jutsu going! Yeah, she used so much that her subconcious self, is even down for the count.....Demari, what are we going to do? I could always posess her. No, not unless you hold back, and we know with you, you're worse that unpredictable. Hey! I'm just Emari, but super tricky and seductive! I'm also way sexier, and- Shut it! You sound so annoying! Shhh! I hear something.....Yeah, and I see something. It's another one of Emari's memories.

I sighed, and balanced the bottle of sake on my pinkie. I was getting so bored, waiting and waiting. Suddenly, there was someone next to me. I turned, and saw it was Haku, my brother's new "weapon", how cliché.
"Emari, you brother, Lord Zabuza-" "I know! He can't make it!" I snarled, cutting him off. I threw the bottle and it smashed against the tree.
"Thank you for your understanding," said the boy, and he disappeared. I missed Zabuza, I had no one now. Kyoto, Wonji and Noto, I don't even know them that well! Kyoto just agreed to be my partner for the junin exams, because he couldn't find anyone else! I missed my brother, and was now left with Saeune and Byeki on my eighteenth birthday. I left my tree, and went back to my adopted home. When I entered, Saeune and Byeki were fighting, as usual.
"You! How dare you track dirt into this house!" Suddenly Byeki's rage was on me.
"I'm sorry," I said, leaving my shoes outside. I came back through, and she grabbed me by my shoulder.
"Well? Clean up this mess!" She snarled. I turned around, I had tracked a few pieces of dirt here and there, and I cleaned it up quickly. As I went to go to my room, also known as a closet, Byeki smacked me.
"How dare you leave, before asking to! Such disrespectful manners, coming from a young junin Ninja! You're a disgrace!" She snarled.
"Hey! Just because your angry with me, doesn't mean you have to snap at Emari!" Saeune said. I knew he was trying to help, but nothing could make me like him, especially with the way he is. I bowed, and flatly apologized to Byeki. I then went to my closet/room. It was a small area, bare of anything but a cot and a blanket. I had a picture, I kept it under my cot. It was of Mother, Father, Zabuza and myself. I smiled.
"Happy Birthday Emari," I said, tears threatening to fall. Zabuza hadn't shown up to any of my birthday's, for the past two years. I hadn't seen him at all. The Kyos were awful, and I couldn't do anything about it! If I did, I'd have no place to live, no money, no family, nothing. I gritted my teeth, and tried to calm down. I ran a hand through my hair, and fell back on my cot.
"Hope there are many years to come......" I said, leading off.

Wow, now I even feel bad.....You think? I came in, and was planning to trick her this whole time! Now, all I wish to do, is try to make things easier on her. I feel so bad.....You? I'm all of the things that are bad about her! The reason I'm here, is probably because of those two idiots, Byeki and Saeune! We need to find out more, so we can help when needed! We need to go through Emari's memories. She'll kill us! Her memories, aren't even available, if we did try. Her mind had sealed off the majority of her memories, so what are we supposed to do? Break in! You're trying to get yourself killed, right? Even if you are an all powerful lion spirit, you can't face Emari's fierceness. You'll break. Shut it! I'll think of something! Kongoji? Demari? You're awake? Thank goodness! Kongoji's been keeping up your Blood Bond Jutsu for you. So far, your safe. Thank you guys.......You sound awful, is everything okay? Yeah, just really drained. Making one clone uses almost all of my chakara, now, having two, it over used my chakara, to where, I might not even be stable for, maybe, a few days. So, we have to babysit your body, while you recover? Yep, I guess so. Demari, I know this is a big mistake, but would you take control of my body? Please, don't do anything Dark like. Alright, but just this once!

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