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"O-orochi," I said, smiling nervously. I've nevr seen his good side, but I was hoping to get on it, and try to avoid an problems.
"Darling! You're okay! I'm so happy!" He rushed at me, in a large hug.
"Yes, I'm fine....." I said, nervously. He ran his hand up and down my back, rubbing it. His black hair went over my shoulder, and hide my face from view. He was a head and a half taller than me.
"Did he, that Kakashi, did he hurt you?" Orochimaru asked, in a dark tone.
"No, not at all!" I quickly said, pulling away slightly.
"Something's different. You're less.....emotionless. I've never seen you so nervous. I......like it," he said, smiling at me. He went to kiss my neck, but, I put a hand on his face, and gently moved his had back.
"Slow your roll," I said, crossing my arms. He looked at me, like I had just grown wings and a tail.
"You resisted so.......casually," he said, shocked.
"Indeed. My intellect and personality is part of that. If you don't understand the emotions of the one you love, expect the unexpected," I explained, smartly.
"Ah, my little Emari has grown. Now, may we....." I saw the spark in his eye, and I put a hand gently to his face. He smiled and held my hand in place, I moved my other hand, and flicked him in the forehead. He was shocked, and his mouth gaped.
"Close your mouth, before flies start going in," I said. If you're trying to get on his good side, I think you're failing. Let me try! I'll seduce this guy so good, he won't know what hit him! Like I'd let you do that, with my body, Orochimaru was speechless. I looked at him and sighed.
"I haven't changed, I just never acted like this in front of you before. This, Orochi, is the real me," I said, walking past him, into the room. He turned, and stared after me, I knew he did. I sat down at the desk, and looked at the wall.
"Your bravery, it.......excites me," I gasped when I felt a tongue wrap around my wrist. Orochimaru appeared behind me, smirking.
"Let me....." I couldn't finish, a spark had already flickered in my chest.

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