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Are you sure, this is going to work? Positive, just act obedient, but don't forget to talk. Whatever he says, just say yes. What if he asks me to jump off a bridge? With a parachute? No, just, jump off it. Don't do that. Okay, surely noted. There was a knock at my door and I sat on my bed, and hung my head. Show time.....Don't screw this up! You better be sure of this........
"You wanted to speak with me, Darling?" Orochimaru looked at me. I didn't look up. Your plan better work, Demari..... Orochimaru approached me, and tilted my chin up. He looked me in the eyes, and smiled.
"Did you want to have a replay, of what happened last time we met?" He asked. I stayed quiet, and averted my eyes from him. He narrowed his eyes at me.
"You called me in here, so you better tell me why," he said, frowning. I didn't say a word, and I looked downward.
"What's wrong? Darling, did I hurt you that bad?" He asked, smirking just the slightest. I showed no emotion, and stayed quiet. Orochimaru grabbed my throat, and pinned me onto the bed. He looked at me, and put one hand on the bed. I turned my head away from him, and looked to the wall. He pinned his body with mine, and used his free hand to turn my head. I closed my eyes, and wouldn't look at him.
"What is it? What is wrong? Why won't you look at me!" He began, aggravated and worried at the same time. I slowly opened my eyes, and partially let my mouth gape. I looked into his eyes,
"I felt unworthy of looking upon you, my Lord Orochimaru," I said, softly. Orochimaru, his eyes full of shock, let me go. He backed away, and I sat up.
"My Lord Orochimaru, please, forgive me of my previous antics. I know, that I must be punished," I said. Wow, you're good at this..... That's not an accomplishment! Orochimaru grabbed me up, and held me close.
"Yes! My Darling is back!" He cried. He pressed his lips to mine, and I felt his fangs gently grab my bottom lip. His hands grasped my hair, and held me to him. He pulled away, and looked down at me.
"Although you are back, you certainly do need to be punished," he said smirking. Demari how do I do it again? Focus extremely hard, and pretend he's Kakashi. Kakashi? Orochimaru threw me back on the bed. His clothes were gone so fast, I didn't even see

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