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I sighed, two day had passed, and Emari hadn't fully recovered yet. Kongoji's chakara didn't hold up to well, after thee days straight on holding the Blood Bond Jutsu. He had to stop an rest, he wasn't seriously injured, just tired. Now, as Dark Emari, I was left to try and defend Emari's body. There was zero signs of Orochimaru, or anyone coming into my room. I sighed again, and curled up on the bed. How are you guys holding up? I'm almost good enough to come back, what about you, Kongoji? I'm just tired, nothing serious. You needn't worry about me. Well, after holding up my Jutsu for so long, for me, I'm grateful, and feel indebted to you.......Quit the mushy crap. I'm bored, can't you heal any faster? No, not unless a medic comes in and restores my chakara. So? Want me to ask Orochimaru for one? How are you going to get him to do that? I have my ways, but first, Kongoji, I'm going to need a bit of your chakara. Okay, whatever....... Alright, here we go! I cast an illusion to make myself look like Emari, the I went to the door of the room. I didn't touch it, so I didn't get hurt. I sighed.
"Excuse me? Can someone please send in a medic? I'm not feeling so great!" I called. A few moment later, the guy, Kabuto, came in.
"What seems to be the problem?" He asked.
"I'm drained, I am barley do a thing. I just, almost didn't make it to the door," I said. Kabuto helped me to the bed, and he inspected me. He places his hand over my heart, and I felt power leaking into me. My body felt refreshed.
"Your chakara was almost gone, you're lucky you made it to that door," Kabuto said. I smiled, and sat up.
"Thank you," I said, and he left. Ready to come back? Hell yeah!

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