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I sighed, and splayed out across the bed. I let my brown hair flow back, and I closed my eyes. You guys........Yeah? Thanks, for everything. No problem, I've grown to like you, not as my host, but as a friend, too. Yeah, same here.......Right back at you, Demari. Demari? Yeah, cause your Dark Emari. I put Dark and Emari together, to form.....Demari! You've got one heck of an imagination! Yeah? Wanna see what's inside? No thank you! After seeing your Blood Bond Jutsu memory, I think I might actually become a kind person..... Or, Spirit, anyway. Oh, yeah, that's right, Kongoji, you're the spirit of lostness and fear, right? Yeah, what of it? Then, couldn't you, you know, just use your powers or something to get us out of here? Sorry, that would mean almost destroying Emari, and I think I'll need her body, for a bit longer. Wait. If you use your powers while in me, I'll die? Why didn't you tell me this before? I thought you'd understand, considering I'm such an all powerful demon. All powerful demon my-

I stood there, breathing hard. I had just finished my Junin exams, and passed with flying colors. My partner, Kyoto Arusame, was limping, one arm shattered. I propped up, and we looked at the proctor. He dismissed us, and we were immediately escorted to the hospital. I had injured myself badly, and almost drained my body entirely of chakara. Kyoto was sent into the emergency room, while I, refused treatment, until he came out. Some elder junin arrived, their names, Wonji Tomoeti and Noto Dishou. They had come to see their new teammates.
"So, you're The Great Shadow Ninja," said Wonji, putting out her cigarette.
"Where's the other one?" Noto asked, his dark hair hiding his left eye.
"Intensive care," I said. Wonji smiled, and Noto put a hand on my shoulder.
"Your a tough kid, I don't doubt that you'll surpass us one day. In the meantime, we need to ask you something," Wonji said.
"What?" I asked.
"What was that? That Jutsu you did. I thought it was the Demon Black Flare Jutsu, but then you lead it into a Shadow Clone Jutsu, and finished it with a Summoning Jutsu. Then, all we could see, was a shadowy figure slay your attackers," Noto explained.
"Oh, that? It's...." I thought better of it.
"It's nothing," I said. Wonji smiled, and so did Noto.
"Good! We like you already, Kid," he said. He was bout five years, my superior, but I wasn't a kid.
"Whatever......" I said, looked at the doors to where Kyoto was being operated on.

Another memory? This one, was.....different. That was so sad! I can't believe that happened to Kyoto! That was when I became a junin for the Village Hidden in the Mist........The door slide open, heavily, and Shikamaru came in, holding a set of keys.
"Come on! I don't want to be here all day," he said. I got up, and went to he door. When I stepped near the doorway, I felt that familiar pain, and I was thrown back.
"What? Have you been bound, or something?" He asked. I tilted my chin up, to let him see the snake. He groaned in frustration, and came in. He shit that door, and sat down in front of it.
"This is such a drag......." He said. I sighed, and looked at him.
"Wait, how'd you get here?" I asked.
"I saw you and Kabuto fighting, then he took me with you," Shikamaru explained.
"So.....what next?" I asked.
"I don't know! I had the perfect plan to get out of here, but now I have to rethink it, since you were bound to stay in this room," he said, slightly irritated.
"You know, you're a drag!" I snipped.
"So are you, and this situation! If it isn't obvious....." He said. He got up, and left. I sat there on the floor, and shook my head. He's a genius, I'll give him that.....But, I have motivation. You sure do, Goody Goody! Shut up! Quit fighting! I'm trying to rest! This is going be a long day........

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