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I struggled back into my body, and took control. You bitch! Let me out! No, you've raised too much trouble already. Wow, I've really gotten myself into something.......Kongoji, please, keep an eye on Dark Emari. I can't have her getting out. On it.....only because you're my host. I sighed, and took a shower. As the warm water cascaded down my body, I felt a calmness wash over me. My hair, now back to normal, plastered itself against my body. I washed myself from head to toe, then exited the shower. I wrapped a towel around me, and dried off. When I looked at myself in the mirror above the sink, I noticed something. I looked down at the edge of the sink, and saw my clothes draped over the rim. I put them on, and tried to dry my hair. One I was finished, I left the bathroom, and went into Kakashi's room. He wasn't home. I went to the bed, and cleaned it up, along with the rest of the room. Once I was done, I lied down on the bed, and closed my eyes.
"Kakashi-Sensei?" I heard someone call. I bolted up, and made an illusion. I made myself look like Kakashi. The door to he room opened, and in came Naruto.
"Kakashi-Sensei, where's Emari?" Naruto asked.
"Oh, she's at the market," I said, using Kakashi's voice.
"Okay, good. Then, can I talk to you?" Naruto asked. I nodded.
"Alright. I really hope Emari gets back to normal and stuff, but.....but I really like her the way she is now! I mean, she like a completely different person. She's bold, but sweet! I mean....I kinda....." Naruto lead off.
"You like her?" I asked, with Kakashi's voice.
"Not like 'like' her but, you know, she's way more fun this way....." I got up, and walked over to Naruto. I struggled his hair, and it took me a bit to keep up the illusion.
"Kakashi-Sensei, I have another question," Naruto said, looking up at me.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Do you love Emari?" He asked. I froze. I had no idea how to answer that.
"I mean, you kept muttering about her when she was gone. You didn't even read your pervy book!" Exclaimed Naruto. I still couldn't respond. Does Kakashi love me? I asked myself. Even Dark Emari and Kongoji were quiet.
"Kakashi-Sensei?" Naruto asked.
"Kakashi-Sensei, are you okay?" Naruto asked, repeating himself.
"I'm fine, just.....just go back to he training field, I'll be there in a bit," I said.
"We don't have training today," Naruto said.
"Fine, then, I need to be alone for a second," I replied. Naruto hesitatingly left, and I fell to my knees. My illusion dispersed, and I was there, staring at the floor.

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