Chapter 2

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Kiara Vander POV

The sound of birds chirping woke me up. I quickly covered my eyes from the blazing sun while it warmed my body and soothed my muscles. My hair was a messed but I don't care. Anyway, who sleep beautifully.

The first thing I do when I woke up is stretching myself. I stretched my body like a cat and flew down the tree. My feet landed softly on the ground.

Thank you, windy.
I said while adjusting my clothes so I looked appropriate.

You're welcome.

I walked to the nearest lake intending to clean myself. I walk a lot because it is easier to hide my scent in my human form rather than in my wolf form.

When I reached the lake, I slowly strip off my clothes and folded them. I put it on the big rock and went to dip my right foot in the water and dipped the other slowly. It was surely cold but as a werewolf, we can withstand it.

It's a nice cold. I sauntered into the lake until the water was mid high my thigh. The water was so calmed and clear that you can see what beneath you.

The stones in the water were so beautiful. They look like auroras in the sky except this one was in the water. I walked towards the center of the lake until my body was entirely soaked in the water.

So refreshing

Later, I dived in the water and held my breath for about a minute. I opened my eyes in the water and saw tiny fishes swimming around. After a while, I swim towards the surface and gasp for air.

I cleaned my body to put the grime off me and started to swim around like a mermaid as I was so happy playing in the water. After I finished cleaning or maybe playing in the water, I walked out of the lake.

I used my power to dry myself and I quickly wore the clothes. My clothes was a worn out a dress that I got from a rundown places a long time ago. Right after I wore my clothes, my stomach grumbled loudly telling me it is time to eat. Werewolves eat more than you ever think.

I smelled around to sense any kinds of animals that will be my prey today. Luckily for me, I smelled another deer. I shifted into my wolf form and dashed towards the smell of the deer. I saw a deer and ready to fill my stomach again.

After difficulties of chasing the deer, I finally have my breakfast. The deer surely put up a fight against me. I sat by a big tree to rest myself after fulling my stomach.

" Hello there Ara."
A voice spoke to me. All the creatures here love to call me Ara.

" Hello. Hagwood."
I replied shortly and smiled to him. He is the oldest tree in the woods.

" Very full now, aren't you? Any plans?"
Hagwood said to me.

" I want to stay here all day long."
I spoke softly towards this old tree.

" Go away."
He said which make me chuckled. Hagwood loves to be alone. He did not like to be surrounded by others, but he is very kind.

" All right."
I teased him and walked away. I was on my way 'home' when my wolf started being anxious again. I remembered yesterday she was being anxious too.

Lynn, what is wrong with you?
I said to her, but I did not get an answer. I shrugged her away and started to walk on my paws back to my 'house'. Lynn seemed to be at the edge of taking over. I tried hard to not give her a chance.

What is wrong with you?

Lynn was quiet.

I let out a long sighed. I let my guard down and that was my mistake. Lynn then took over and sprinted into the woods. I just sat and watched over her. She sprinted faster and faster.

Woo slow down there, where are we going?
I told her.

She ignored me. This wolf surely has issues but who am I to judge? She is my wolf. Suddenly, I saw a beautiful white mansion and Lynn stopped about a mile away. I am confused why she brought me here. I looked at the mansion with awe. It is exquisite and big and white.

Suddenly, four wolves appeared in front of me, and I sensed trouble.

I didn't get so lucky now, aren't I?

I noticed a brown wolf slightly bigger than the other. I was guessing it is the Beta. The power of him radiating off his body. This is the Beta that I saw yesterday but now he is in his wolf form.

Dammit Lynn, you cause us trouble!

With that Lynn retreated, and I took over. Just great. Now, she was leaving me to confront these guy. I quickly shifted into my human form and wore my clothes.

I needed to save myself. I did not want to use my power, but I have no choice. I looked into their eyes and took a deep breath.


"del hardhia"

The vines spread to the warrior's paws and twined them all tightly.

With that the vines gripped their paws and lifted all the warriors from the ground. They were upside down up on the tree and the warrior whimpered slowly.

The Beta seemed to be taken off guard by my action. I took this chance to run away. As I was about to run, I heard a powerful growl close from here.

My feet instantly froze. There was a low growl behind me. I turned my body slowly and there he was standing on his four paws, the big black wolf. He is the biggest and the most beautiful wolf I ever seen.

Why does he look familiar?
I can sense his power.

Shit, the Alpha. God dammit Lynn!
I snapped at her. I avoided eye contact with all of them.

I turned around and ready to escape again. My heart thumped loudly. While I was thinking about how to escape from here, all the wolves except the Alpha were howling.

Oh, no.

Oh,I heshtur,"
And the wolves stop howling. With them howling, they will discover my existence. I lowered my gaze down. I used my very best to avoid eye contact. A realization hit me like a truck.

I forgot to hide my scent!


Kiara Vander picture is Hannah Waites photograph by Margert Zhang.

del hardhia: vines come forth

lart: high

I heshtur: silent

Love, Elle

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