Chapter 34

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"Kiara, come."

Asher held out his hand to me. I wasted no time to react to him. He didn't deserve any of my time and so do my effort.

" Do you like the gift I send to you Zac?"

Asher smiled sinisterly. It didn't surprise us to know that it was Asher who sent the Opium to the pack house. We already figured it out. I mean, who else have this twisted thought of forcing to 'mate' with me. What a psychopath.

Asher was still holding out his hands towards me and I am getting irritated by minutes.

Let's play a little game, shall we?

I looked at him smiling, and a gust of wind blew around us. I lifted my right hands, matching with Asher, and took baby steps towards him. The wind is getting stronger and stronger. Kayden quickly shield Aila using his body, and Aila held on dear life holding his arm.

My silver hair flutters with the strong wind.


Zac tried to call me, but I ignored him as I continued to move forward little by little.

Just play along, babe.

I quickly mind linked him. Asher smiled and took a step forward to me. Zac followed me in, trying to stop me from walking further towards Asher.

" larg."

I chanted and blew Zac away from me, making all the warriors in a standby mode; ready to attack. They growled low to me. I fasten my pace toward Asher and saw him smirking that it disgust me. As I continued to walk, Asher's face changed, and he shouted,

" You carrying his child."

My feet instantly stopped, and so does the wind. Everything went silent. A deafening silent. It's like a beating heart being ripped from someone's chest. One second beating, the next silent and still.


Zac mind linked to me and all the pack warriors. Suddenly, several of the big wolves emerged from various sides of the trees and bushes attacking Asher's pack.

" You bitch!"

Asher shrieked before starting to burn everything that head its way. A brown wolves attacked him and he swiftly avoided it. 

" grisje."

I whispered. The wind blew the enemies up in the sky away from me as I continued to fight back. I charged towards Asher, however; he avoided my swift attack within seconds by creating a fire shield. Zac has shifted into his wolf form and worked on getting rid of the enemies away from our border.

Kayden and Aila too had shifted into their own wolf form to help Zac and the others. I need to do something. I need to help them. What should I do?


I heard a voice behind me. I turned around to face Asher. How did he get so close to me? I was so occupied with my thinking I didn't realize him coming to me.

"Let's die together!"

Asher shouted and fire formed around both his hands. I watched in horror as his hands burned my arm. I screamed horridly. I tried to push away, but it is too late. I'm becoming weak.

A low growled erupted from behind Asher and pushed him away from me; revealing Xavier in his wolf form. I looked at my arms and saw the burn marked. Asher immediately attacked Xavier with his fire elemental power, but luckily Xavier avoided just in time.

Xavier launched his attack and bite on Asher's right hand, trying to tear it off. I watched from the side quietly as I have no strength to help him.

" rrokje."

I whispered, and the wind froze Asher's feet on the ground. Xavier was still gripping on his arm, making it bleed more. Asher grunted from the pain trying to break free. With his last energy left, he raised his free left hand and move to touch Xavier's eyes.

He's going to burn his eyes!

" Xavier, move!"

I panicked, but it was too late. He burned his eyes and Xavier whimpered but spare no effort to let go of Asher's hand.

" No!"

I screamed.


Zac Evren POV

Kiara's scream was inhuman even to my ears. I ran on my four paws towards her and saw the horrible scene in front of me. It nearly covered her scream as blood spurted from Xavier's eyes. I waste no time and fasten my pace. I jumped in the air as my mouth were wide open showing my sharp canines.

I bite Asher's head and ripped it off from his body. I landed on my paws steadily. It happened so fast even I was shocked. Asher's pack was still fighting. They didn't realize that their alpha is dead, but my warrior is still fighting them. They won't stop.

Asher's pack is ready to die, but I won't let my warrior die. It is over, but why they are still fighting? I can see that some of my warriors is losing their strength. I am as their Alpha need to figure up something to stop this.

On the spur of the moment, a squall of wind blew violently around us.


I turned my face around and saw Kiara was floating. Her eyes were shone silver-like color that its terrifies me. I tried to mind linked her but failed miserably. She was chanting words I couldn't understand.

Her body slowly floated back down and when her tender legs touched the ground, the wind stops and changed to narrow slits.

Take cover!

I mind linked all my warriors that were there and as soon as I told them to, the wind attack the enemies; beheaded all of them without mercy. Just like that, they stop fighting and it was all over.

I quickly looked over to Kiara. Her eyes changed back to normal, and she falls to the ground. I ran to catch her just in time before she could touched the ground. I cradled her and slowly placed her head on my lap. She's still breathing and that's a relief.

Kayden and Aila had already taken Xavier to the infirmary and all of my people started to clean up the mess by burning all the dead bodies, especially Asher's. All the injured wolves was brought back to the infirmary for treatment and the remaining was cleaning up the mess.

I picked Kiara up and carried her back to the pack house. I mind linked Jared to send someone to check up on her if he is too busy at the moment and he said he can come to check. Apparently, all the wolves is not badly injured and that Sophia and the others can manage on their own.

Once I laid Kiara back on the bed, she opened up her eyes.


She called out to me. The hoarseness of her voice is visible. I quickly grab a water bottle that we had in our bedroom and pick her up slightly for her to drink.

" It's okay, baby. Just rest. I'm here. Jared will check you up later. Just sleep."

I assured her, and she went back to sleep.


2/3 more chapters & I'm done

Love, Elle

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