Chapter 32

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Kiara Vander POV

" Aconitum? Aconitum as in wolfsbane?"

I asked shock. Kayden had requested for Xavier to be released and show up with Zac, Aila and I in the reading room. They discharged me from the hospital yesterday, and I am recovering slowly. My baby is fine and so do I. I don't blame Xavier after what had happened. Kayden has explained to me everything before we meet up with the others, and honestly I feel relieved.

Zac has been apologizing non stop to me, even though I told him it was not his fault. It was no one's fault, or maybe it's Asher's fault. Next time we meet, he will die. I promised myself that. After resting in the hospital with your mate beside you, my strengths came back.

All we need all along is each other. Aila, Kayden, Zac, Xavier and I. We need each other in times like this. I wish I would understand Zac more. I knew there was something going on but instead of helping him; I left him.

I guess we were all too fragile to even reach for help.

" Yes, and they're also Opium with the Aconitum, so that was what keeping Zac and Xavier insane."

Kayden added.

" Wait, am I the only one who didn't know what is this Aconitum and Opium?"

Zac finally voicing out his thought, looking all blurry with the conversation.

" Yes."

Aila, Kayden, Xavier and I responded to him simultaneously. Aila and I abruptly laughed together while Xavier just shook his head.

" My late mother used to teach me about flowers. Fortunately, now I can finally use this part of knowledge. Okay, so I will explain everything and Zac, please focus."

Kayden spoke and stresses the word Zac.

" Aconitum also known as wolfsbane is a very poisonous and dangerous plant. You both are so lucky to be alive, while Opium, also known as poppy tears, is mainly used for illegal drug trade.  Now, the thing is I don't know what have they done with the plant that they make you went crazy like this. I'm afraid they have found new ways to destroy people."

Kayden explained precisely. I turned to Zac and saw him making an 'o' with his mouth as a sign of understanding. I chuckled slowly.

" Don't worry, now everything is fine. Aila and I have successfully thrown it far away from here."

" Okay, so that left us with the last problem, which is Asher."

I stated hesitantly. Zac stiffens automatically when hearing Asher's name. I swiftly held his hands in mine to calm him a little and it worked.

" For now, we are still searching for any trace of him, but we couldn't find anything. It's almost night so we'll end this meeting. Lets just rest for now."

Kayden suggested to all of us while pinching his nose bridge.

After that, Zac and I retreated to our bedroom. Oh. how I miss this bedroom so much. I sat at the edge of the bed and Zac followed me. He quickly hugged me while inhaling my scent.

" I miss you."

He admitted his feelings to me.

" I miss you more. "

I replied shortly.

He leaned closer that our nose touched together. My hands instantly went to his neck, pulling him closer to me. His hands travel to my back as he pulled me closer as if the distance is not close enough. In seconds, our lips touch and we kiss. The kiss is nothing but hot, fiery, passionate and demanding. His hand rested below my ear, his thumb caressing my cheek as our breaths mingled.

His fingers gently ran up and down my spine, coaxing shivers out of me. Zac drew away, and I instantly missed the lovely heat curling within me. We decided to just lay there on the bed, enjoying the proximity. It has been a while since we last cuddling.

All these vulnerabilities, openness, and sharing is the intimacy I craved for.

" I'm sorry."

" What for?"

He asked me confused.

" For leaving."

" I'm sorry that I hurt you so much that you had to leave me. Everything that has happened, it's already done. I can't do anything about it except, accepting the fact that I hurt you, my precious. When I hurt you, just know that I am not me when it happened. I try hard to control myself but I failed. I failed as a mate and as an alpha, and also as a father. I risk our baby's life."

He expressed his feelings sincerely.

" Zac, I forgive you. In relationship, there will always be difficulties or trials that we both have to face. We need to be strong. Past is past. I believe that we already forgive each other. The most important thing is to forgive yourself. I have always loved you. I am not going anywhere, so please forgive yourself to move forward."

I assured him. We continue to lay there on the bed until we both feel tired. It has been a long week for all of us. We need to rest. My eyes felt heavy and soon after, I drifted into a deep slumber.


The sound of birds chirping has woken me up from my deep sleep. I yawn as I try to stretch my body after the long hour of resting. I positioned my body to face the left side of my bed and saw Zac sleeping face.

He looked so calm and his dark circles were fading away. I smiled faintly. I got up from the bed and walked towards the bathroom to wash my face. On my way to the bathroom, I noticed the vase that were used to place those Opium flowers in it.

My curiosity brought me to an end. I peeked inside the vase and I found a piece of paper inside.

We are coming for her



Let's prepare Asher's tombstone.

Love, Elle

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