Chapter 35

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Kiara Vander POV

I woke up to the rays of sun shone through the brown curtains next to my bed. It has been a long time since I had a good sleep. I stretched my arms along with my legs and it felt so good. I leaned to the side and met with a pair of hazel eyes that I couldn't get bored from staring at it.

" Good morning."

Zac smiled at me and gave me a few kisses on my cheeks and my forehead. I smiled back, liking the affection I received from my love. The pack house was quiet. I thought about it and maybe they were all resting because of yesterday's; what I called a cold war.

" You've been sleeping for two days straight."

" What?"

To say that I am shock is an understatement. I am flabbergasted. Zac promptly reduce the distance between us and hugged me. In a flash, my body melted, and felt calmed in his embrace, making me letting out a breath I didn't know I hold.

We stay there for about half an hour and Zac ushered me to take a shower as it was already noon. After numerous time forcing Zac to take a shower, we went down to the kitchen to have brunch together.

It appears that, Jared had already checked up on me along with my baby and he said that we are both healthy as a horse. After eating, Zac brought me to the backyard where we sat there and enjoying the scenery of the nature. It's been a long time since we had this quiet moment on our own, and I'm loving it.

" How's Xavier?"

I asked Zac, and his body instantaneously stiffened.

" He's not doing well. Do you want to see him?"

He asked me, looking concern.

I slowly nodded.

We walked back through the pack house, heading towards the infirmary. When we opened the main door, Sophia greeted us. She simply nodded to us as we walked past through her. Zac guided me until we reached at the end of the hallway as I followed him like a lost puppy.

When we arrived, Zac slowly knocked on the door and proceeded to open the door ever so softly. I peaked my head inside and searched for Xavier. There he was sitting on the bed while looking at the trees through the window. They covered his left eye with bandage while his other eyes has burn mark just under his eyebrow.

" Hey."

He greeted me with his old and wrinkle smile of old age when we walk into the white pale room. The map of wrinkles on his face told of the most incredible journey. His eye lines told of laughter, of warm smiles and affection.

" Hey."

I greeted back, feeling a little sad. I never had a father figure in my whole life so when I met Xavier, it's like seeing a light at the end of a dark tunnel after being in the cold, brutal place for a long time. I sat on the chair next to his bed while Zac was standing next to me with his hands on my shoulder.

" How are you doing?"

" I'm fine."

He replied shortly. I didn't dare to ask more. It felt more comfortable being in silence rather than to start a conversation.

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