Chapter 25

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He whispered in my ears.

It was never your fault
I thought to myself.

He let go of me and helped me to stand in my feet. I looked into his eyes and saw his light brown eyes. It was not hollow anymore. I looked at him sadly and touched both of his cheeks with my hands. He looked down. His eyes were locked on the floor. I cannot read him, which means he blocked me from his mind.

I can feel him feeling guilty towards me. I shrugged it off by admiring his never ending beauty. I straightened his clothes as he was just waking up by me. I caressed his hair with care and love. He closed his eyes, enjoying my touch, but he was still standing in front of me, freezing, not daring to touch me.

It scares him.

I lifted his head up and looked him in the eyes. Suddenly, his eyes turned to pitch black that went hollow. I heard him muttered something between his mouth. I could not hear him because his voice was so slow. I looked at his mouth carefully as words came to me.

I'm sorry

In a second he grabbed me in the neck and started to suffocate me. I groaned in pain as my hand gripped his hand that were choking my neck tightly. I gasped for air and my feet were floating from the floor. I looked at him pleading.

I briefly whispered to him as my voice did not come out too well. He did not show any mercy towards me even though I am his mate. Something possessed him. I need to use my power to save myself. Wasting no time, I whispered,

A sudden wind blew into the room breaking the window and pushed him of me. I fell onto the floor as I caught my breath and controlled my breathing. Zac flew across the room and was lying on the floor in front of the wardrobe unconscious.

I lay by my side, rubbing my neck from Zac's gripped earlier. He is sure strong. I heard footsteps from outside and suddenly; the door bursted opened revealing Kayden, a few warriors and Aila. Aila went through the warriors and ran towards me.

" Oh God, Kiara are you okay?"
She said frantically while shaking me.

" I'm fine it just that Zac was choking me I had to push him off me, he went faint."
I said breathlessly.

" You did that?"
Kayden suddenly asked me. I slightly nodded and Kayden looked surprised.

" I need to bring Kiara to the pack doctor, you go help Zac."
Aila spoke to his mate. She helped me stood on my feet and walked me slowly towards the pack doctor. As we walked further into the hall, a few maids came and helped Aila to carry me.

I did not realize we were there went Aila knocked the hospital look-a-like door. A beautiful woman opened the door and looked at us surprised. She quickly gets the wheelchair and Aila sat me on the wheelchair.

" I can walk you know."
I said to Aila.

" I know but you're so slow it drives me crazy."
Aila said.

I let out a chuckled. She exaggerates things. The nurse pushed the wheelchair and went into a long corridor. Everything was white it felt like I was in heaven.

" Oh, come on why so long. I would be dead by now."
I said complaining. The nurse chuckled as Aila did not bother to entertain me. Soon enough, we reached in a room where I saw a doctor sitting on a chair and doing his work on a desk which is white too.

He looked at me and showed a small smile. I smiled at him back.

"Hello Luna, nice to meet you."
He said in a very well manners.

" Nice to meet you to Doctor ,"
I trailed off to look at his nametag.

"Doctor Jared."
I continued.

He smiled at me. He then showed me another room and proceeded with the checking. After a while of torturing and forcing me on checking my body, we finally finished. I let out a long sighed. Doctor Jared laughed at me.

" I'm not torturing you Luna."
He said while writing on his report on the desk. I looked at Aila and she rolled her eyes at me, which I replied by sticking out my tongue towards her.

"Hm, Luna have you feeling a little dizzy or feeling not too well with your body?"
Doctor Jared spoke, breaking the intense staring competition between me and Aila.

" Yeah before you know, I ran away, I have been feeling dizzy I almost faint."
I said to the doctor.

He nodded his head and wrote again on his report. I stared at him attentively. Observing every move he makes. After a while, he did with his writing and lifted his head up. When he looked at me he flinched a bit.

" Why are you staring at me like that?"
He said while rubbing his chest slowly. Aila and I laughed making the doctor embarrassed.

" I'm okay right doctor? Nothing wrong with me. It just a little pressure in my neck but why you checked my entire body?
I said curiously and Aila went silent listening carefully at our conversation.

"It's because you're pregnant Luna."
Doctor Jared said to me.

I know

I grinned at the doctor and out of nowhere; I was attacked by a hug from Aila. I laughed.

" I know."
Was all I said.

"You know? How?"
Doctor Jared asked me.

" You know, as a mother, I just know."
I lied. Of course I lied. Maria told me, and if I told them that Maria told me, they would never believe me. They smiled at me and Aila patted my shoulder. I smiled back at them.

" Your baby is extremely fine. I need you to come here again for a medical check-up to examine the baby grow progress okay?"
The doctor said.

I replied shortly.

" I'll be sending all the details later to you Luna."
Doctor Jared informed me. Aila and I walked back to her room and Aila was so excited because she will be an aunt. I sat on the couch near the window and locked my gazes at the breathtaking scenery.

"I need a room."
I said to Aila making she froze from her moved.

"I can't sleep in the same room as Zac."


I hope you can help me by voting and commenting on this chapter. Thank you so much for taking your time reading this book xx

Love, Elle

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