Parte número dos

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Rose's POV

Well you see everyone was
interesting. They all had their own little quirk but, some people where more apealing to me.

When we stopped in a room with about 6 computer set-ups, he introduced me to the guys. Jordan was working at his desk, when he heard Adam speak to him he looked up but slowly. Once his head was up where I could see his face he sat there wordless. He looked like he was scanning me, I felt like I was getting interviewed to be a model and he was like ready to say yes or no. What he didn't realize was that during this time Adam was asking him questions but Jordan said nothing. Adam then said his name about eight times and on the eighth he did that one thing everyone does when they finally come to realization after daydreaming. Adam was slightly mad so he just decide to walk down the hall.

We then passed an empty office. Adam just said it was were Micheal worked but he wasn't here today. He was gonna be gone for two days. I didn't think anything of it and we just went along.

We came to John's office where he was filming. Adam explained that he was an entertainer. He played a character called barney that had a really thick Turkish accent. He finished recording and we said hi. I introduced myself and that was it.

We then went to the next small offices that was a little bigger than the rest, either that or it was arranged a little different in which made it look bigger. In this office sat a girl. Her name was Em. Jake then came in and said, "Adam, Micheal is calling." Adam left and I was left with Em. We talked about some things and she kind of just said some things that would be helpful around the office. We got along the fact being we were both girls.

* * = author's note
*Wow, who would've thought of getting along with another girl? That NEVER happens. I'm so creative*

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