parte número 14

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"Well I got to get work." I said to Jordan

"Me too," he said leaving my office.

After he left I worked on a few videos and did some rearranging and that was pretty much my day.

After lunch we filmed a video for office antics. Two truths, one lie in real life. It was John, Adam, Tim and I.
I lied okay. I mean they didn't know me to well so I did okay. Once we stopped filming the video they did another. This time it was Micheal, John, Tim and James. They did try not to laugh in real life. I sat next to Em and watched the video from behind the scenes.

After we were done filming Adam made an anouncment.

"I want to do a challenge that includes paint and I don't want to do it in the office so I wanted to do it at my house. The reason I'm telling everyone this is because Aleasa and I are gonna have a cook-out. Your all invited to come. It's in two days so Saturday."

We all said thank you to Adam for the invitation and mingled.

"You going," I asked Em.

"I have to, I'm in charge of the audio for the video." She replied.

"How about you are you going?" She asked me.

"Probably, if it's messy it's probably funny." I laughed imagining what might happen.

I went to my office to get ready to leave. I was getting ready when I heard a knock. It was Micheal.

"Hey," he said walking in.

"Oh hi"

"What's up?"

"Just getting ready to leave"


"Did you need anything?"

"Umm no, I mean yes."


"I wanted to make sure you didn't get confused about today."

"What do you mean"

"I serenated you and I told you that I loved you"

" It was for a video"

"I know but you don't like me so I didn't want you to get mad"

"Micheal! What are you talking about? I don't like you?"

"Whenever I come around you always change the conversation and you never want to hangout"

"Boii calm down. I have reasons. I don't just blow you off. If anything your making me mad by assuming these things"

"I'm sorry"

"Look I'm going to go home, see you tomorrow?"

"Yea" he said

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