parte número 10

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I finally caught up to her in the parking lot. She was about to get in her car when I stopped her.

"Em C'mon, this wasn't on purpose. Who in the world would go on a date with their closest friend's crush and then meet there friend a few minutes later?" I said trying to prove my innocence.

She just started at me. There was anger in her eyes.

"I would never. I bet if you told him you liked him, this would all get figured out." I said trying to get any bit of hope.

"No," is all she said.

"But Em. I bet h.. " I was in the middle of saying when Micheal appeared.

"What's going on?" He asked confused.

"Em was just in the store when she got a notification saying there was a rare Pokémon outside. You know Em always obsessed with Pokemon Go." I said hoping he would fall for it.

"You play?" He asked, referring to Em.

"Yes, yes she does. You guys should go hunting together. I think it'd be fun."
I said smiling my big grin.

"You down?" Micheal asked Em.

She nodded yea with her big smile.

"What about you? You coming, coinky-doink?"

"Oh no. I'm going to go to the mall to see what's poppin." I said trying to be cool.

"We could all go to the mall and hunt." Micheal suggested excitedly.

"No," Em and I both said.

"I have to go shopping for personal stuff and present for my family. I think it'd be better if I went alone. Thanks anyway." I quickly finished.

"Alright," he said slightly disappoinyed. "I'll see you at work, coinky-doink."

I then walked to my car and drove to the mall. I didn't buy anything but I just walking around, and then I saw a group of young adult men started to headed right towards me.

"What a lovely suprise, Jordan." I said relieved seeing that it was Jordan and his friends.

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