parte número 3

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Em and I talked for a while when Jordan came in.

"Hey Rose, sorry about later. I get nervous around people. Ummm... but Corey and I are going to get lunch, your welcome to come if you want."

"Actually I was hoping Rose would come with me," Em said.

Well, this isn't awkward at all. "I don't know, where are you going?" I asked.

"The mall." They both said.

"It's has a variety so you can get what your in the mood for." Em finished.

"Well, I think It's agreed. We are going to the mall. I'll ride with Em," I replied.

I wanted to go with Em because we are friends. I guess? Also, it'd be less awkward. I don't know there is just something about Jordan.

It was lunchtime and we were all getting ready to go to lunch. I got in Em's car. It was nice, most likely taking well care of or she barely uses it, either way nice car.

"So you have a boyfriend?" I asked, trying to start a conversation.

"No," she replied.





"Please do tell."

"You don't know him."

"Oh c'mon, that makes it even better"



"His name is Micheal"

"How do you know him?"

"" she said as she stopped the car, "We are here."

*I bet you have no idea who Micheal could possibly be* *and if you seriosly don't know then I am sorry my friend*

We walked into the mall and headed for the food stands. The smell of all the food dragged around the whole gloor. We saw Jordan and Corey sitting at a table talking. We were going to walk up to them and say hi like a normal person but, we didn't. Em waved to me and told me to be very quite. Corey was facing us and Jordan had his back to us. Em signed to Corey to be cool. He looked at us and quickly kept carrying on the conversation like nothing. Once we got close enough to Jordan we slapped his back and yelled Jordan in his ear.

He jumped and everyone looked while Em, Corey, and I died of laughter.

"First you starve us and then you scare me?" Jordan said with a smirk.

"Starved you?" Em and I asked.

"This embicile wouldn't let me order my food because he says it's rude," Corey says referring to Jordan.

"That's not our fault," I said.

"I'm starving, let's just order," Em said.

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