Parte número 18

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"I'm going to go," Em says shocked at the words that had come from my lips.

"Same, we will talk some other time."
I say shutting my office door behind the both of us.

I walk away from Em and see Corey and Jordan talking by Jordans desk.

"Hey you two wanna grab lunch?" I say to the two boys giggling like little girls.

"Yeah, what do you say Jordan?" Corey says to Jordan.

"Of course." Jordan replies.

"What about me, can I come, coinky-doink."  A person behind me says.

"Micheal, why do you always have to be included in everything I do?" I ask rolling my eyes while turning around.

"Your my priority. It's a dangerous place here and you need to be protected." He says with a smirk.

I laugh at this comment.

"Rose can take care of herself." Jordan says.

"C'mon boys let's go," I say pulling Corey along.

"Where we going?" Corey asks.

"The mall," I respond.

We walk out and I get into my car.

"Your driving?" Jordan and Micheal ask.

"Why not? I'm the one who asked you." I say feeling confused.

They both stand there staring at the car.

"You better get in before we leave with out you." I say trying to wake them up from their gaze.

"Shotgun!" They shout running to the passenger seat disappointed by the fact that Corey beat them.

The two get in a car and we drive to the mall. Once we get there we order our food and sit at a table for four. It gets quite and awkward so I suggest we play a game. What are the odds.

"I'll go first. Micheal what are the odds out of 1-10 that'll you'll ask that lady eating next to us if you can try her food?"

"5" he responds.

Jordan then counts down to three and we say our answer.

He says 4 and I say 3.

"I was so close." I say disappointed

Micheal then asks Jordan what are the odds that he'll buy him a new pair of shoes. Of course they don't say the same number and Micheal doesn't get a new pair of shoes.

Confused Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz