Parte número 17

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I then made my few videos and got lost in time. Next thing I knew it was lunch time. I started preparing my desk so I could get lunch when I heard footsteps walking down the hallway.

"What the heck, Rose?" Angry Em said slamming the door behind her.

"What?" I said annoyed.

"You're bringing Micheal as a date to Adams Cook-out? Oh, that's why you asked if I was going. So, you could rub it in my face." She said getting angrier by the sentence.

"No that's all wrong information. Em, I wouldn't do that. Calm down what happened?" I say blindsided.

She sits down looks me in the eyes and takes deep breaths.

"I was in the conference room laughing at James and John making a vlog. They turn off the camera and start talking about Adam's cook-out. Then Jordan walks in. John asks us if we had dates jokingly. We both answer and say no. James then says, 'Em did you ask Micheal?' and then says, 'Jordan you should ask Rose.'
Now here is when I get mad. Jordan opens up his mouth and says you and Micheal are going together. They made a few jokes I left and walked out casually until I got close to YOUR office." She says pretty quickly.

"Hold on. Micheal is not my date. Since when do you bring dates to a casual cook-out?" I say

"Then explain why Jordan said what he said."

"We are going together. But as in a car TOGETHER."

"Wait so you're carpooling?" Em asks calming down

"Yes." I say. "He never asked me anything else and that's all I'm aware of." I finish.

"He asked you?" She says curious.

"Yeah, he wants to talk about something."

"What is it?"

"He didn't say he said it'd be better if we talked in private. Also he lives near my house so it's more convient."

"Okay," she said calming down, "Rose you know how much I like him."

"Wait, I thought your Pokémon date went bad."

"Yeah but.. I don't know. I still like him."

"Because he's funny and cute? If that's your reason it's not good enough. Someone worth dating is someone who is better than the average." I say genuinly.

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