Parte número 6

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The next day I woke up and was extremely excited about going to work because I get to decorate my office. Adam had also told me that the rest of the crew would be done with their projects and I'd be able to meet them.

Once I arrived there was a lot of silence. Mostly because I got there an hour early, why I don't know, I just did. So, I started decorating
~few minutes later~
I put done the aquamarine mouse pad which was the last touch to my office. My whole theme was aquamarine and salmon just because those were my favorite colors growing up.

"I'm so glad you went with aquamarine, coinky-doink" someone said as they made me jump.

*whoever could it be? *Gasps in spanish*

"Micheal?" I say turning around slowly. "Are you following me. This is creepy you know where I live and now you know where I work." I said confused.

"We work," he replied with a smirk.

"Seriously? Your the entertainer working on a project for a couple of days?"

"That's me"

I just starred at him for minutes. This was....

"Rose, Rose, Rose" Adam said trying to wake me up. "You look like Jordan when he met you," Adam laughed as he said this.

"Sorry my mind is blown,"  I said shyly.

"Whose mind is blown? And why are we surounding Rose's office?" Jordan said as he walked in with Em.

"I'm leaving," Adam said before walking out.

It was just Micheal, Jordan, Em, and me left in my newly decorated office.

"I was just complimenting Rose on her beautiful office," Micheal said with a wink.

"It's very nice," Jordan replied with a smile.

"Where did you get everything from?" Em asked.

"Target," Red answered before I even opened my mouth.

"Huh?" Jordan and Em said at the same time.

"We went on a date last night to Target," Red replied with a straight face.

"Uh No," I said right away.

"I'm confused," Jordan replied as Micheal laughed.

"We didn't go on a date," I said to Micheal with a stern face, "We ran into eachother at target last night. Where I did buy my little decorations."

Em and Jordan both sighed of relieve which made Micheal and I look at each other with confusement.

"Is there something wrong about Rose and I going on a date?" Micheal said slightly angered.

"Yeah," I replied trying to sound cool while backing up Micheal.

"No, it's just.." Em said as James walked in.

"Let's get this day started," he said interrupting the conversation.

*ooh you'll have to find out in the next chapter* *evil laugh*

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