parte número 8

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Em and I walked into her office. She was silent and a little mysterious.

"What's up, Em?" I asked trying to make things less earie.

"Look Rose I'm confused. What are you doing?" She asked and I had instant mixed feelings.

"I'm trying to talk to a really good friend of mine," I chuckled but deep inside I was kind of scared not sure why, but I was.

"Stop you know what I mean. Micheal. Micheal." She whispered harshly.

"Nothing we are just friends. Em. Can you please explain to me what you mean." I said backing myself up to the door.

"I tell you I like him and you start hanging out with him?"

"In my defense I didn't know he was your Micheal til' today. I thought he was a random guy carrying a green screen."


"When I first met Micheal I was carrying some boxes into my complex, when he asked if I needed help. We then talked for a few hours." She got angry once I said that. "And then I said something, got embarrassed he made it my nickname and I kicked him out." She then relaxed.

"Well that was a handful of information."

"I'm sorry if I came on like I was trying to steal him but, even if I did like Micheal I wouldn't of stole him because I didn't know he was YOUR Micheal and also he isn't your property." I said but then realizing I most likely made things worse.

"Rose I...I.. I understand a little bit better but can we talk some more after work?"

"Um...yea let's hang out at um a coffee shop near my place, it's really cute. I'll text you the address."

"Alright" she said as I walked out the door feeling safe about leaving.

Once I walked out I saw Adam starring at me. His jaw had dropped almost to the floor. He worked two offices away from Ems but on the West wall instead of the North wall were John and Micheal worked.

*that information could be wrong. I think I might of gotten my directions mixed up. Or maybe not and I'm just so humble. Haha no I probably did*

"I didn't know Em liked Micheal." He said suprised.

"Wait? You heard that conversation?" I said unknowingly of what to do.

"Yea I did, good thing Micheal is with John hanging out with the editors."

Oh man what am I gonna do? I thought to myself. Why do I have to have THESE types of conversations with people?

Confused Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora