parte número 11

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"How's your day, Rose," Jordan genuinely asks.

"It was a ............. day," I said chuckling to my self.

"I'm pretty sure that mean you need some fun."




"Right now!"

"Like Right now?"

"Why not?"

"I don't know your friends."

"Well Rose let me introduce you to Josh, Eric, David, jorge, and Josh, there's two." He said giving me no clue to who was who.

"I don't know if thats what I wanted but okay,"

"Let's go?!" He was really excited.


We walked in and there was color everywhere, lights flashing everywhere. I saw Dance Dance Revolution and I ran straight towards it.

"This is my ish," I said not caring of anybody's opinions.

"Really? Let's go," the short one said challenging me to a dual.

"Let's go, David!" The tall black haired guy said.

"Thanks, Josh." David said replying to Josh. I guess?

David and I battled but I beat him twice and we were going two out of three, so there wasn't a point of battling anymore. We were both out of breath but I wasn't done playing.

"David, you suck." Someone said replacing David from his previous spot were I demolished him.

"Shut up, Jorge." David said to the brown haired, blue-eyed, tall young adult.

Right once we were about to battle I looked him straight in the eyes and made him understand he was gonna lose. But right once I was gonna press start he yelled.

"Para Jalisco!" Jorge yelled with pride.

"OI OI OI OI OI!" a average man with black haired chanted.

"Callate, Eric" the other guy who I'm guessing is the other Josh responded.

"Can we start?" I asked.

"Let's dooooo iiiitttt,"

I beat him 2 to 3. This time he beat me the second time so third round was neccesary.

"Anyone else?" I asked feeling powerful.

"Me," a very familiar voice said.

"Show me what you got, Jordan." I challenged.

"Things getting hotted," the tall black haired Josh said.

Jordan and I battled he won the first round but only by 317 points. Yes, I did count. Second round I beat him by 564 points. Third round............. I.......... lost by 236 points.

"If you add it up I beat you by 11 points." I said defending my title.

"We played three games I won two! That means I win!" Jordan said.

"Let's go, Jordan!" His friends yelled.

"Whatever" I said not caring I sounded extremely salty.

We then played some more games and won a couple prizes.

"Here." Jordan said handing me a stuffed animal that was a yellow giraffe with pink hair. "I feel bad about beating you. Forgive me?" He said with a little kid smile.

"Of course" I responded giving Jordan a hug. "And thank you, Jordan. I'm going to call it ..... Dolphin."

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