parte número 4

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Lunch was good. We laughed and stuff. After lunch we had to go back to work.

Back at the offices everyone was checking their schedule and preparing themselves for their videos. I kind of just followed Em around the whole day. She's amazing at keeping everyone in order and making sure they do what's needed. The day finally ended and tomorrow I was to start working.

Since, my new job had a lot to do with camera equipment and desktop upgrades, I needed the best of the best. I had gone shopping after work for some new equipment, but everything was extremely heavy. When I got to my complex I was struggling to get the boxes out of my car and into my home. Fortunately a guy caring a camera and a green screen stopped and stared at me struggle.

*ooh I wonder who it could be*

"Is this entertaining?" I asked the man while I had my back turned to him.

"Just a little bit, need some help?" He asked.

"Well are you going to get inside my home and rob me?" I said jokingly.

"No, unless that's like a new saying I'm not aware of," he said.

We laughed and he helped me carry the boxes in. I carried the heavier boxes just because I felt bad and I lowkey wanted to look like a strong independant girl. I don't think he noticed.

"So, what do you do?" he asked.

"I got a job as an entertainer." I replied.

"Seriously? Me too, well I've had mine," he said.

"What coinky-doink" I said but regretted right after.

He looked at me like if I just ate my own hand. My cheeks turned redder than his hair. *wink wink*

"What?" He said while dying of laughter.

"Okay I think that's enough for today, bye" I said as I pushed his body out the door.

"Wait! I don't know your nam.."
He said as I shut the door.

"I know where you live," he yelled through the door.

"And I know how to contact the police," I said as I chuckled.

"Bye Coinky-doink" was his last finally words that he said to me before he left.

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