parte número 21

208 7 2

The rest of the day I just walked around and read the comments to some of the videos.  I was reading the comments to the seven second challenge.  Parte número 13, if you want a recap. Most of them that involved me were, I wish I was Rose in this video, Do they all hug her?, Jordan and Rose or Red and Rose?, Woah, she can rap? There was a hug variation of comments but most of them involved Jordan and I or Micheal and I. It feels weird, did they even notice me as a person?

I read a few comments on the two truths one lie and the make-up challenge. They were all good and they seem to like the videos but, I was tired so I decided it was time to go home.

It was Friday so tomorrow was Saturday. Also known as Adam's BBQ thing. I said goodbye to everyone and headed home. I went straight to bed. When I woke up it was around 10 in the morning. I woke up ate some breakfast and took a shower, by now it was 11. I then picked out an outfit and put a little mascara and I was ready, by now it was 12. Micheal was coming around at 2 so I had two hours to kill. I ate a ham and cheese sandwich so I wouldn't eat too much at the cook-out. I then watched my favorite you tubers like, Andrew Lowe, Lily Singh, Alex Wassabi, Roman Atwood and so many more.

I was on my computer when I heard a buzz. I knew it was Micheal so, I headed down and greeted Micheal.

"Hello," I said with a big grin.

"Hi," he responded.

"That was lame," I huffed.

"What do you mean?"

" I say hello and you reply with Hi. You can't do that."

"Why not?"

"It's just rude. Let's change the convesation."

"Okay then, you ready for today? It's gonna be fun."

Confused Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora