Chapter 2 | Protected

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"Do you feel comfortable?" Aria asked while adjusting Michael's shirt. "I can get you another jacket if you want."

"Ari, it's not the jacket that is bothering me."

She knows exactly what is making Michael anxious - the fact that he is going to be interviewed. He hates it. 

"You don't have to lie anymore," Aria gets up and adjusts his black jacket one more time. "Karen, you can start the make up. Sorry I took so long, but this boy is getting thinner. I had to cut the trousers at the last minute." Michael rolls his eyes, he's tired of hearing Aria complain about his weight loss. 

After the make up was done Michael looks at himself in the mirror rearranging his curly hair.

"You look fine boy," Janet appears behind him and smiles at her brother. 

"Jesus, Dunk. You almost gave me a heart attack." They both laugh and Michael hugs her. "I'm glad you're here."

"New haircut?" Janet asks as Aria enters the room again.

"Yeah," she sighs. "Unfortunately someone I won't even mention the name put glue on my hair brush." Aria looks at Michael from head to toe, checking is outfit for the last time. She thinks he is gorgeous.

"Michael!" Janet looks at him in disbelief but she can't help but find the situation hilarious.

"It's time, Mike." Someone from the crew called him and he sighs. 

"You can do it, just stay open minded and," Janet grabs her brother's hand in reassurance. "Breathe."

This isn't Michael's first interview. However he can't avoid the anxiety. He didn't even sleep last night.

The truth is, every question is a judgement in disguise. And somehow, Mike is too naive and innocent to unmask those kind of questions. When he was younger he was forced to lie. He knew exactly what to and not to say in interviews. And now he feels kind of helpless.

"We're starting in 3...2...1..." 


"What about the frequent plastic surgeries?" 

"Can we pass that one, please?" Michael asks for the second time.

Aria and Janet are behind the cameras watching the whole thing and shooting comforting glares at Michael every time he shivers.

"So, Michael... Many people want to know the real reason behind the sudden change of your skin colour. I mean, that and the nose you can't deny. It's evident."The interviewer's statement was Aria's breaking point. 

"Poor Michael," Janet closes her eyes.

"I ain't taking this shit," Aria goes into the middle of the set where the interview is taking place. "Sorry for interrupting. Wasn't this supposed to be about the new album? I haven't heard one question about 'Bad' yet." She grabs Michael's hand and he stands up. He felt strange with that touch. He felt...Protected. "Michael let's go. You don't have to do this. You won't be humiliated," she whispers in his ear. "I won't allow it."

"Excuse me, but-" 

"But? " She cuts the interviewer off.

"We had a deal,"

"Oh yeah? 'We had a deal,'?" She jokes. "Deal with my ass now."

Everyone is shocked as Michael and Aria run out of the building. 

"There's my car." She says. 

"You're crazy, Aria." Michael can't hold the laughs. 

"And your sister." She looks at him and smiles. "Now, let's get some ice cream."

Fifteen minutes later they stop in front of an ice cream shop.

"Are you okay?" Aria asked before turning off the engine. 

"Yeah, just wondering how am I going to the shop without being-"

"Put this hat on," Aria reaches for the hat that was in the back seat. "And take the jacket off and... Pull the shirt out of your trousers." Michael glares at her and smirks. "What? It'll make you look more... casual." She shrugs and gets out of the car.

As they enter the shop Michael carefully looks around. 

"Relax," Aria whispers and holds his hand. 

Michael's mind starts to read through the picture. He's not being recognized  and he's holding hands with a girl. They look like a couple. They look... Normal. 

"What are the flavours Miss?" The girl asks Aria.

"I would like mint and," she thinks for a second looking at the ice creams. "Chocolate."

"And you, Sir?" Michael shivered. He was so over the moon because no one was paying attention to him that he completely forgot to look at the options.

"The same." He replies and Aria rolls her eyes. He hates mint, why the hell is he asking for that?, she thinks.

"He would like chocolate and vanilla," Michael smiled. She knows his favourite flavours. Aria looks up at him and smiles back.

Some minutes later they were sitting on the grass eating ice cream, under a tree in a public park.

"Thank you," Michael starts and Aria looks at him. "For everything..."

Aria stays quiet and smirks at him. Her eyes are all of a sudden dragged down to his red shirt. It has a bit of ice cream on it. With her finger she cleans it. "You're welcome."

All I Didn't Say ✧ Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now