Chapter 35 | ITC

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"Frank and I... It wasn't business anymore." Michael disclosed in the next day during breakfast. "We became so emotionally attached and we couldn't separate the work from the friendship." 

Aria listened carefully as the wind blew her braids away from her sleepy face. 

He continued - "And it's not anyone's fault. It just so happened that both of us couldn't make a simple decision without thinking twice about each of one's feelings. That's not how we work in my field." Michael inhaled roughly, taking in as much fresh air as he could. "That's why I made that decision."

A decision that as been reported by the press as "the divorce of the year", which is somehow a little veracious - Michael does feel completely heartbroken but some things can't be avoided and he'll always, always, love Frank.


"I want to hear some!" Janet insists for the fourth time.

"How many times do I have to-"

"How many times do I need to ask you to let me hear it?" She interrupts, crossing her arms in front of her chest and pouting like a five year old. "Please, Michael. Just a demo! A SIMPLE DEMO!"

"OKAY!" He shouts back while throwing his hands up in the air. "Just a demo. ONE demo." Slightly annoyed, he opens the studio door and steps to the side, letting Janet walk in first.

Michael doesn't like to show his work when it's not completely finished and especially when it's not perfect. He truly believes in perfection, he strives to reach it. "Choose one, here," he gives her a brown hard-paper box. "There's about 50 of them in there."

"No... Nope... Nah..." Janet keeps inspecting the tapes. "Ohhh, 'She Wants To Give It'. " She looks up as a dirty smirk dominates her face and Michael sighs.

"I renamed it, it's 'In The Closet'. " He says nonchalantly while examining his nails. Actually, he's hoping she won't choose that one. It's... well, it's a very daring kind of song.

Janet stands up and points her finger at him. "Play it." Michael rolls his eyes, plundering the tape off her hand. 

"Janet, you brat. You're supposed to be helping me clean my closet. Where are you?" Aria's voice echoes in the hallway.

"Shut up and come here!" Janet screams back. "We are in the studio!"

"Oh, so you're stealing my sis now?" Aria walks in drinking a smoothie and shakes Michael's loose shoulders. "What are you up to?" She drags her hands down, hugging him from behind.

"Michael is playing us one of his demos." Janet announces and Aria lifts her head up to look at him.

"Dunk, what did you do?! He never shows me anything!" Aria takes a step back, taking her arms off Michael's waist. 

"I have my ways." Janet speaks proudly, swaying her hair off her shoulders. 

"You mean being a pain in the ass?" Michael murmurs low and smiles, knowing that she heard it.

"Just play the damn tape!!!" He does as she says and presses the play button, sitting down in front of the mix table right after. 

" There's something I have to say to you

If you promise you'll never tell

I cannot contain myself

When in your presence I'm so humble

Just touch me and keep it quiet

All I Didn't Say ✧ Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now