Chapter 37 | Birthday & Deathday | 2

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A/N: This chapter is veeery long and I just want to apologize if there's any mistakes. I hope you love it <3

// 2 am // Santa Barbara Hospital

"How is she?" Michael stands up from the chair that he has been sitting on for the past hour. It was about 1 am when they finally walked in this hospital. Michael hasn't called anyone yet, he really wants to know what happened first.

" is she, doctor?" Jonathan questions holding onto Michael's frail hand.

When the boys saw Michael running down the stairs with Aria in his arms and screaming Stephanie's name they stood there in shock. Macaulay didn't want, by any chance, to see Aria like that. On the other hand, Jonathan insisted in coming to the hospital with Michael. I won't leave you alone,- the boy had said - you didn't left me and I won't leave you.

Doctor George approaches. "She's fine, Michael." He reassures.

"What is it?" Michael asks, looking Doctor George in the eye.

"Well, unfortunately there's no easier way to put it... Aria suffered a miscarriage." Doctor George says and Michael's heart stops functioning right away.

"A m-miscarriage?" He says with difficulty. "D-Does she know?" Michael is skeptical. How can this be happening?

"Yes, she knows. We... we just told her. You can come in."

Holding back his tears and trying to stay strong for her, Michael walks in the room. "Oh, baby," he runs to her and grabs her hand kindly. "I'm so sorry, so so sorry." He talks with his lips pressed against her cheek.

"I- I'm sorry too," she manages to grab his face with both hands to make him look at her. "I knew it right then when I saw that..." Their foreheads are now glued to each other. "I'm so sorry, maybe I did something wrong and-"

"No. You did absolutely nothing wrong, Miss Aria." Doctor George joins in the conversation. "I have more news," he says.

Michael directs his gaze to Doctor George and holds Aria's sweaty hand. "Yes?" He sniffs, closing his eyes.

"Aria, you are pregnant." The doctor reveals, causing a mass of tension in the air.

That statement infiltrates their ears like an echo, a long and low echo. "That doesn't make any sense," Michael blurts, confusion showing up on his features.

"Michael, listen, Aria you too." The doctor gets their attention. "You were pregnant with twins. Seven weeks pregnant to be precise." Aria breaks her hand from Michael's grip and puts it under the covers, secretly caressing her stomach. 'Twins', she whispers to herself under her heavy breath.

The doctor goes on - "The problem was that one of the embryos wasn't receiving enough nutrition to develop because the umbilical cord wasn't connected to it. It was just simply there until its death occurred." Aria and Michael listen carefully. "But the other embryo, the one that's inside you right now," George smiles. "It's incredibly healthy and ready to grow. Here-" he hands them a black and white ultrasound. "It's your baby, it's the size of a little grape. In the next two weeks it will develop to be a fetus."

Aria takes the ultrasound and places it down without looking at it. She lugs her hands to her face, covering it completely. Her sobs become louder and all she wants to do his scream from the top of her lungs.

How can they take all this information in? One moment they were celebrating Aria's birth, the other they were mourning the death of a baby they didn't know they had and now there's another one. A healthy one. Theirs. Their baby.

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