Chapter 15 | It's Do or Die

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The next day, Michael performed again in Madison Square Garden but without Tatiana. As soon as the show was over, he put himself in a plane to Santa Barbara. As he looks out the window, Michael starts having flashbacks of last night.


"Don't leave me, Michael." Tatiana cries after hearing that Michael doesn't love her the way she loves him. "I can't handle it."

"Believe it or not, this is hard for me too. I wish I didn't have to put you through this."

"What did I do wrong? I kissed you and what? Is that a crime?"

"You shouldn't have kissed me. When we're on stage, we're working."

"I know, but I couldn't help it."

Michael opens his mouth to speak but his father interrupts. "Leave." Joseph's voice is deep and stern.

"Joseph," Michael starts. "This is not your problem. I'm fixing this."

"There's nothing to fix. You never met her and she never met you. Now leave, girl."

"What is going on?" Tatiana asks.

"Tatiana, you're fired." Frank announces while approaching. He looks at Michael who stands there as shocked as Tatiana.

"Leave, please." Joseph repeats again.

"Don't let them do this, Michael." Tatiana pleads but he has no reaction. Joseph is looking straight into his son's eyes. Out of nowhere, Michael runs to the bathroom. The anxiety attack he almost had hours ago, he's having now. Michael tries to breathe in and out slowly and it takes him ten minutes to calm down.

"I'm sorry, Michael." Frank appears behind him.

"I'm sorry?!" Michael yells. "How could you do this without my permission? And, why do you follow my father's rules?"

"The rule was mine and I mentioned it to her before every single show. My telephone is exploding with calls, Michael. The media is going crazy already. I had to do something and your dad made me do it." Frank rubs Michael's back. "And you know that, all of this... It was publicity... Promotion for her. The video clip, the tour, now the kiss... She already has tons of work out there."

"Where is she?" Michael walks out of the bathroom ignoring Frank's speech.

"She already left."


Somehow, Michael feels relieved for Tatiana being fired. Although he feels guilty for doing what he did to Tatiana he blames himself even more for hurting Aria.


Aria feels good to be back in Neverland. She spent the last two days sleeping, she missed her bed. Now she's considering if she must unpack or not, since Michael has a girlfriend and Aria lives with him. "Tatiana will be jealous," she thinks, "I would." Aria takes out of her bag the outfit she wore to the fashion show and puts it against her body while staring at her reflexion in the mirror.

"ARIA!!" Janet enters the room. "Come here, I need to show you something." She grabs Aria by the arm.

"What is going on," Aria laughs. "Slow down!" She's literally being dragged along the corridor.

Frank called Janet saying that Michael will arrive in two hours and Janet automatically made a plan. "I need you to check this out," she opens the door. As Aria, innocently, sneaks inside Michael's room, Janet pushes her in an locks the door.

"JANET, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Aria screams from the inside of the room. "LET ME OUT OR I'LL KILL YOU."

"Stop screaming. You're not leaving until you and Michael talk properly. Hee Hee!" Janet sings, making fun of her sister, and leaves to meet the rest of the family that's coming for Joseph Jackson Day.

"I can't believe this is happening to me," Aria gasps. "Why me..." she walks around the room. After twenty minutes of talking to herself about how unlucky she is, Aria decides to play some of Michael's records. He hates when someone goes through his vinyls collection, but she doesn't care at all. Johnny Mercer seems like a good choice so she plays it and lays on the bed. She isn't getting out of there so soon.


"Michael, my brother," Janet is the first person to greet Michael when he gets inside the house. "I need to talk to you," she whispers and Michael lowers his head to hear her. "About the boat we bought for Father."

"Oh, okay." Michael smiles and follows her upstairs. As they go up, Janet hears the music coming from the room. "Who's in there?" Michael asks and Janet pulls out the i don't know face.

Aria doesn't know, but Janet had already unlocked the door so Michael could get in and as soon as he does, Janet, once again, pushes him inside and locks it. Michael is about to scream but then he notices Aria sleeping on the bed. He turns off the music and sits next to her. "Aria?" He whispers. Aria wakes up and when she sees Michael she stands up, immediately.

"Is the door still locked?" She rubs her sleepy eyes and makes her way to the door.

"Yes," he says. "Janet locked me in."

"She locked me too." Aria looks around and tries not to lay her eyes on Michael. "Do you have another key?"

"No, I don't." Michael smiles to himself because he knows that Aria is trying to avoid him and the conversation they clearly need to have.

"Remember what I said Aria," Janet speaks. She is listening everything from the outside. "You two are only getting out when you're finally honest with each other. It's do or die, boo."


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Yep, I'm going to let you wonder what's going to happen next *evil smirk* hahahaha! This chapter (the previous and probably the next couple of ones) is inspired from 'Michael Jackson's: Private Home Movies'. Here it is if you haven't watched it yet:

I also want to thank you so much for the 2.1K reads!!!! ❤️

1K reads!!!! ❤️

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