Chapter 40 | Africa | 2

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Michael was left speechless with the blue velvet box in his hands. "What the heck do I do now?", he questions himself. Michael does acknowledge that he needed a push into doing this, he's been waiting for too long. However, there's another reason for the waiting.

He puts the small box back in his pocket and walks to the corridor. "Janet, open up." He sighs, waiting for her to answer. "Janet?!" He knocks frantically on the door.

"What?!" She opens the door with nothing but a sheet covering her body. "Goddamn you, Michael." Janet screams in a whisper. Michael is able to see Rene quickly jumping out of bed and running to put something on.

"I'll just try my best to ignore this situation and erase it from my brain." The thought of Jan having sex really hit his nerve but he was hiding it pretty well. She's a grown woman now and he needs to accept it even though she will always be his little one. "I need to tell you something."

"I'm hoping it's important because you just interrupted my lovin' time." Janet's snaps with her i-wish-i-could-choke-you face. 

"I'm asking Aria to marry me." Michael bites his lips as a massive smile emerges between his cheeks. "Right now."

Janet, out of pure shock, rises her hands up to her face, forgetting that the only thing around her naked body was the sheet - that's now on top of Michael's loafers. "Holy Moly!" She speaks with her eyes wide open.

"For the love of God, Janet!!" Michael turns around as fast as lightning. "Please put something on before my heart fails." He sighs in disbelief.

Janet quickly realizes what happened and walks over to the bed, grabbing one of Rene's t-shirts. Speaking about him, the poor guy is still standing next to the bed dressed with his pajamas inside out.

After putting the shirt on she paces in Michael's direction again. With one strong swing, she turns her brother around and bustles her face in his chest. "I'm so happy right now."

Michael beams elatedly. "And disgustingly sweaty."

"Oh, shut your darn mouth. Save your words for your fiancée." She laughs, hugging him tightly.

"Well, Ayo knows and he wants us to get married tomorrow." Michael closes his eyes, still trying to get everything together in his head.

"I know Ayo, he likes to get things done around here. And that's what you need, Michael. You've had the ring for how long... a year? What are you waiting for?" Janet's voice changes to a smooth suspicious tone.

"I just need it to be perfect, the moment, the place." He replies.

"No..." She shakes her index finger negatively in the air. "...don't even start with that bullshit because I know it's not true." Janet crosses her arms and she feels that she hit the target. Finally, she's about to confront him. Janet has tried to shake it off her head, to simply ignore it, but it's painfully impossible. Michael is lucky that she's even talking to him right now. "Don't you love her?"

"I do, with all my being. And I know she loves me too. That's not even the point here-" he covers his face in frustration.

"It's not." Janet affirms, waiting for him to spill it.

"I'm scared." He says.

"And I know why Michael. I know about the pills. So you just get your shit together and tell her the truth. If you love and want to marry Aria, you need to be honest. Including being honest with yourself." Janet's voice is firm and demanding. To say Michael is shocked is a huge understatement.

She has known for three weeks now, she remembers it perfectly, vividly... and she wishes she didn't. After all, how can you forget the image of your brother drugging himself in order to sleep?

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