Chapter 11 | Promises

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Filippo is Aria's tourist guide for the day. She has already learned a bunch of new things about the italian culture. They also visited Bagatti Valsecchi, a museum full of italian Renaissance decorative arts and she fell in love with the Maiolica pieces.

When Filippo told her that there was another museum,Castello Sforzesco, near by that had Michelangelo's art, she flipped out. Aria's favorite artist is Michelangelo. The person who introduced his work to her was Diana Ross. She would come to the house and talk about him with the fourteen year olds Michael and Aria. They both learned about art and love it because of Diana.

Aria remembers that the first work she showed them was David, a masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture, and Michael started giggling because the man was naked. Eventually, those lessons had to become a secret because Joseph didn't want Michael to get distracted by "stupid art", as he used to say. Joseph and Diana even had an argument once because of that, so they started to sneak out to her house, when father wasn't around.

"Thank you so much for taking me to see all this things." Aria thanks Filippo as they enter a cab to go back to the Versace's mansion.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I couldn't let your first day to be a bore." Filippo winks at her and Aria smiles.

When they get to the mansion, everyone is calm. There are no models and people running around, just a beautiful opera song in the background and a group of girls having a chat around the table.

"Filippo!" A brunette woman approaches them, she doesn't notice Aria though. "Gianni arriva stasera. Stiamo preparando una cena per allietare gli fino." The woman turns to the side and faces Aria who smiles at her. The brunette ignores her and continues to talk with Filippo.

"Gianni arrives tonight." Filippo turns to Aria as soon as the woman leaves. "We're having a party later so you're meeting him." Aria smiles nervously. She was counting on meeting him tomorrow morning, so she was delaying her anxiety. Too bad.


Michael arrived in Neverland around 12 am. He can't sleep or take naps in airplanes, it's something that no matter how tired he is, he just can't do. So, after ten minutes of turning around on the bed, he fell deeply asleep.

Two hours later, Michael wakes up with knocks on his bedroom door.

"Mr. Jackson?" A female voice echoes inside his tired head. "Mr. Jackson?" Michael makes the effort of getting his voice out.

"Yes, come in Stephanie." He rubs his eyes softly and it takes a few blinks for him to be able to see properly. "What happened?" He sits on the bed.

"I'm so sorry for waking you up Sir, but Aria is on the phone." Michael's eyes open wide right away and he lifts his body from the bed so fast that even Stephanie lets out a laugh.

"Hello!?" Michael is breathing heavily. He tries to press the phone against his ear with his shoulder, so that he can at least put his curly hair in a messy low bun. "Aria?!"

"Missing me that much?" She jokes.

"No, I have Bubbles."

"How dare you!" They both laugh. "Were you sleeping?" Aria asks feeling confused. "You only go to bed at eleven."

"Hm, have you realized that you're in another country? Another continent?"

"Jesus, I didn't even think about that. Don't tell me it's 6 am there or something?!"

"No," Michael giggles. "Let me see," he turns around and looks at the clock. "It's...2 pm."

"I also forgot you must be tired, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm okay. Tell mother I'm safe, being well treated and eating, please."

"I will," Michael rolls his eyes and grins. It's inevitable not to grin, he thinks. "So, how is Gianni? Is he nice?"

"That's the other reason I called you," she coughs. "You have no idea, this house is enormous. They're having a party downstairs for Gianni, he's arriving soon AND I have nothing nice to wear."

"How can that be?" Michael frowns. "You took a lot of outfits."

"I need you to help me. Can you be my fashion adviser for five minutes or not?!" She fakes a desperate voice.

"Okay," Michael laughs. "Tell me what you have there."


"Michael, I won't wear this. Do you want everyone to laugh at me downstairs?" Aria holds the phone close to her ear as she looks at herself in the mirror.

"Red always goes with black. Red top, black jeans and a cowboy hat. Perfect." He defends his choice, obviously kidding with her.

"You're not helping!" She laughs and there's a sudden background noise on Aria's line.

"That's horrible, honey." Filippo enters the bedroom and looks at Aria. "I know what you're going to wear, follow me."

"Michael, I have to go now." Aria sighs, but she's smiling. "Ah, I just remembered! I went to a museum today and saw a bunch of Michelangelo's work. I remembered of us when we were kids." She speaks in a rush.

"Aww, that's nice." Michael's voice is not so happy anymore.

"I really need to go," she sits on the bed and looks around. "Just one more thing," she closes her eyes. "Promise me we'll talk every week, at least."Aria feels so stupid right now. She hates promises, she hates committing to things like this but still she feels so vulnerable at the same time, it's stronger than her.

"I promise." Michael looks down at his feet. "Go now, he's calling you." Aria wasn't even paying attention to Filippo's screams from the other room. "Take care and, good luck."

"I will, thank you. Bye." Aria hangs up after a sad 'bye.' from Mike.

At the same moment, Michael and Aria feel sad deep down. They just made a promise that both of them know they won't keep. Even if they try to, it just won't happen.

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