Chapter 30 | The Bet

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It's been five weeks of hard work for Aria, she's loving it though. It's something new and refreshing.

"Don't go," Michael pleads again, running his hands on her side of the bed, finding only the warm silk sheets.

Michael is actually enjoying his life right now. He likes the way Aria kisses him before leaving him in the morning and he loves even more when she comes home from work and looks at him like she's been dying to be in his arms. They are, in some way, living the couple life and that excites him.

"Come back to bed... I miss you." He yawns harmonically, as always, not even a yawn could be normal coming from Michael.

"I'm not even out yet," she chuckles, jumping to bed again. Michael's arms instantly go around her body. Aria looks down at him: his eyes are closed and his breathing is still heavy. The truth is she misses him too. She misses being around him 24/7, but sometimes that can be very toxic to a relationship. Having this kind of distance feels nice. "Maybe I can stay home today."

"I don't like maybe." He mutters, kissing her belly and biting it softly.

"I'll stay..." She says and Michael looks up at her, smiling from ear to ear. Aria takes her hands to his pale cheeks and leans down to kiss his lips. "Ugh," she utters as the phone starts ringing. The tone is actually really loud.

"Seriously? It's 7 in the morning..." he blurts out angrily before extending his arm to reach the the phone. "Hello?" Michael sits properly on the bed.

Aria watches Michael's facial expressions change between each second. She asks him who is it and he mutters: "It's Joe." About five minutes later, Michael hangs up and quietly puts the phone back on the bedside table.

"We need to show up for lunch today." Michael swings his body under the covers.

"What for? And hug me again, I'm cold." He grins and wraps his arms around her again.

"I don't know, he just demanded our presence." He sighs and starts nibbling on her neck. "Janet and Jermaine will be there too."

"Staaap, it tickles!" Aria sniggers. "Joseph doesn't give a damn about family meetings, why today?" She scowls immediately when a flashback of last week appears in her mind. "Do you think this has something to do with Jermaine?"

"What?! No way. Jermaine is an imbecile sometimes but he wouldn't do that. He knows how much I endear my privacy and he respects the fact that we want us to be a secret."

"Well, the way he talked to you didn't seem very respectful." Aria sits up making Michael's head fall onto the pillow. "He knows. Joseph knows." She starts hyperventilating.

"Calm down," he shows up a genuine grin. "What if he knows? I don't care, he's not going to do a darn thing."

"Would you stop smiling? Why do you always smile when I'm stressin' ?" She sways out of bed and starts pacing back and forth around the room.

"Because you love when I smile." 'The bastard is right', she thinks. "100,000 dollars," he smirks mischievously getting her attention. "I bet 100,000 dollars on how he doesn't know anything."

"Honestly? Are you serious? I can't believe you." Aria puts some of Michael's big red socks on and walks to the bedside table, grabbing the phone again.

"Whatcha doin' ?" Michael inquiries, putting his arms behind his head.

"I'm calling the college, to let them now I'm not going because I'll face my death today." She growls, pressing the phone against her ear. "But I would love to watch you lose, so c'mon... shake my hand." He does as she says, certain of his victory.

"Stop being so drama-" He starts but her stare could kill, so Michael decides to throw his hands in the air and keep his mouth shut.


"Can we just turn around? Please, Jack." Aria insits, taking off her seatbelt to reach Jack's shoulder.

"Oh, Aria... for everyone's sake," Michael places his big, firm hands on her waist and pulls her to his lap. "It's just a lunch. You're being paranoid."

"Joseph hasn't called in months and now, especially now that you and Jermaine are fighting... he calls. Of course I'm being paranoid!!" Before she could even say anything else the car slows down and eventually stops.

"Michael!" Janet comes running up to them as they get out of the car. "Hey," she greets breathlessly. "I couldn't stop him."

"Who?" Aria asks, already knowing who.


"Fuc---Ducks, trucks!!!" Michael lowers his head, leaving both Aria and Janet looking at him, perplexed. He rises his face back up and chews on his bottom lip. "I just lost 100,000 dollars."


Hey!! I want to thank you so much for reading and I'm so happy to see that this story has been getting new readers :)

I just want to let you know that I'm pretty occupied with school right now and I'm sorry if this chapter isn't the best (it's definetely not) but I'm trying to make an effort to keep you updated. It's been hard though.

Anyway, Joe knows!! What do you think will happen next? How will he react? Let me know your opinions in the comments!

I love you all from the bottom of my heart!!!! <3

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