Chapter 1

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I hid in the far left corner of the dorm room closet shut my eyes and covered my mouth so he wouldn't hear me breathing. Marcus continuously attempted to kick down the door to my room in a drunken rage.


He kept trying to free the door from the hinges.


He kept kicking for at least another five minutes until it sounded like he gave up. I sat there in the dark closet silent. My body froze in place as I listened for any movement in the room other than my own. I peeked through the slats of the closet door to see the door still in tact. I couldn't see anything in the hallway from the glow of the light just on the other side. I slowly crawled to the closet door and opened it cautiously trying not to make any more noise to have him come back to kick the door some more. I was so afraid to go to the door to make a run for the security desk that was down the hall to get help from this drunken psycho. I didn't want to try to walk across the hardwood floor with one high heeled shoe so I managed to take it off and place it gently on the bed. I tip toed slowly to the door and placed my body against the wall. My heart was pounding tremendously. I tried to calm myself but I was too deep in fear. I closed my eyes took a deep breath and grabbed on to the door knob. I turned it and opened the door slowly without making the door creek. I began to peer out of the door as best as I could to see down both ends of the hallway. I didn't see him anywhere. I was finally free to get away. At least that's what I thought. He tackled me from another room across the hall knocking me back into my room.

  "Surprise bitch!" He said to me enraged.

The smell of bourbon on his breath was heavy and hot. My eyes were wide with fear. I could see the fires of hell in his eyes which made my blood run cold through the my body.

  "So you think you can just tell me no huh? Nobody ever tells Marcus no. I'll be damned if I'm gonna let a stuck up little bitch like you tell me no!" He said.

His anger rumbled deep in his voice as he pinned me down to the cold hardwood beneath me.

  "Please! Let me go! Please! I'm sorry! Just let me go!" I pleaded with him as I cried.

  "I'm gonna teach you a lesson." He said as he pulled my skirt off.

I tried to wiggle free but he was sitting on my thighs and and had his knees crushing my fingers.

  "This is what happens when you tell any man no!"

He pulled at his belt freeing it from buckle and undid his pant. He pulled out his hardened man hood and thew my legs open.

  "Get ready on your first lesson in respect!"

I felt a hand touch me and I let out a loud scream. I fought off whoever it was with my eyes closed still engulfed with fear.

  "Regan! Regan! Calm down its me! Baby it's Prince! REGAN ITS PRINCE!"

I stopped swinging and opened my eyes to find Prince standing in front of me shocked and confused.

  "What's going on with you? Are you ok?"

He pulled me close to him and held me.

  "My god! Regan! Your heart is racing!" He said as he could feel my heart pounding from my back.

  "Prince! Prince don't leave me! Please don't leave me!" I cried in his arms.

Prince was so confused as to why I was so afraid all of a sudden.

  "I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here. Just try to calm down."

I cried even harder as he held me close to him.

  "Baby what happened down there?" He asked me in a low gentle voice.

  "He's after me. He's going to kill me!" I cried in fear.

  "Baby look at me! Nobody is ever going to hurt you! I promise you! You're safe with me. Always."

  "Prince please don't leave me! Please!"

  "I have to get to the party but I'll go get Tony....."

  "Please Prince! Please don't leave me here alone!" I cried as I tried to stop him from leaving.

Prince couldn't understand what was going on. I knew I had to tell him but I just couldn't bring myself to even though I was afraid of Marcus trying to hurt me. I knew he had to know before Marcus actually did try to do anything.

  "I'll call Tony up ok? I'm not gonna let anything happen to you I swear."

Prince went to the phone on the night stand and called the security desk.

  "Hey do me a favor send Tony up to my room immediately please? Thanks."

He hung up the phone and sat beside me and held me until Tony arrived at the door.

  "Boss you good?" He asked as he slowly opened the door.

  "Hey Tony can you sit with Regan tonight until I come back? She's all shaken up for some reason."

  "No problem man. She's in good hands."

Prince kissed my head and continued to rock me in his arms calling me down.

  "I'll be back in a few hours to check in on you ok? You wanna talk about it later?" He asked me still concerned.

I couldn't speak. I just shook my head. He put his hands on my face and wiped my tears with his thumbs.

  "I love you. I'll be back."

He slowly let me go and headed for the door looking back at me. His worry was evident on his face. I laid down on the bed while Tony stood at the window making sure the outside was safe.

  "Don't worry miss Regan you's safe." He said.

I wanted to believe him but with Marcus here I wasn't so sure anymore.

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