Chapter 31

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Prince and I decided to see René off after she had changed into one of the outfits Prince and sent staff to pick up as well as cover up the wound on her lip before sending her back out to the world. She gave me one last hug and thanked me for understanding her situation. I felt like I was obligated to in a way because she had to endure the wrath of Marcus Jones. As her car pulled up she gave Prince a final hug and smiled at him as the driver helped her inside. The door closed and at that moment the car pulled out of Paisley Park. Prince and I stood in the lobby silently wondering if she was ever going to come back to just in case this was some type of set up.

  "You think she's really going to Ohio?" He asked.

  "She better if she still likes to breathe air and live life like a normal human being." I scoffed sarcastically.

Prince laughed as he took my hand. We went upstairs to his room and he closed the door. Since there was very little light now that the sun began to set Prince turned out all the lights and lit a few candles while I had went into the bathroom to take my hair out of this horrible looking ponytail that I had tried to fix at least twice throughout the day. As I began to take out the hair tie Prince came in the bathroom and stood behind me pulling me close to him. He kissed me then looked in the mirror.

  "This would be a beautiful portrait for my vault." He said as the passion slowly rose in his voice.

  "Why hide it in the vault? Are you ashamed of me?"

  "I keep my best work there. And you are my pride and joy."

  "Actually that fender in the studio is your pride and joy."

He smiled at me as he watched my hands tug at the elastic band in my hair.

  "Need any help?" He asked.

  "I think I know how to take my hair out Nelson." I snapped as I continued to pull.

Finally my hair fell from the band and down  to my shoulders. Running my fingers through it to make it look better than the jacked ponytail. Prince's seduction grew across his face along with his smile. As I looked back at my reflection I pulled at a curly section and watched as it retracted back when I let go.

  "Maybe I should straighten it again. I think I'm tired of having to deal with frizz everyday."

Prince pulled my hair back from my neck and kissed me slowly.

  "And you'll still be just as beautiful." He said between kisses.

Each kiss made me relax into his arms even more as his hands were still softly resting on my waist. I could feel his eyes watching my facial expressions change with every gentle kiss.

  "Want me to stop?" His deep voice rang in my ears as I felt his hands make their way to the front of jeans and undoing my belt slowly.

  "If I said no would you listen?"

  "Are you saying no now?"

I let out a loud gasp as his hand found its way down the front of my jeans. My legs separated slightly to give him more space to slowly caress my center. As he found a steady rhythm I could feel my body shaking with pleasure. I reached up and wrapped my arm around his neck. Prince seemed to take pride in watching us in the mirror.

  "You never answered me Regan." He whispered to me as he kept going below me.

  "No. Keep going." I moaned out softly still holding on to him.

I found myself trying to keep my knees from giving out so I grabbed the counter with my other hand to hold myself up. I glanced in the mirror to see his eyes still focused on my reflection. The desire that filled them was controlling my soul.

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