Chapter 4

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Prince looked in my eyes trying to find the truth to my pain that I didn't verbally say to him.

"Regan what is it? You can talk to me. You know that don't you?"

"I just don't want to lose you after tonight."

"Tell me what's going on and you won't. I promise."

He wiped my tears and held my hands tightly.

"Prince.....the guy that came with Dez...."

"Marcus? What about him?"

"I......I know him.....from college......he....."

Prince looked like he was getting upset. He wasn't good at hiding his emotions. His face could be read like an open book.

"He what? Tell me Regan."

"We used to date."

"Ok! That's what freaked you out today? You thought I would get mad about that?"

"No. He tried......he said things.....hurtful things to me. Told me that I'm not to ever be with another man unless it's him and if he found out about it......he would come after me."

Prince's face was covered in anger.

"I'll make sure that won't happen again." He stood up letting go of my hand and pushed through his friends to get to the door. Andre and Morris stopped him quickly as Dez called him back.

"Wait Prince get the whole story first before you do anything you might regret."

"What the hell do you mean? Dez you shouldn't have brought him here!"

"It's not his fault Dez didn't know I knew him!" I said to him.

"Well what else do I need to hear other than he a violent jack ass." Prince said already angry.

"Skip he's more than violent. He's violently drunk and he's abusive to women!" Andre said.

"How abusive?"

The rage in Prince question scared me to death.

"Regan? How abusive?" He asked again.

I dropped my head and began to cry.

"He tried to rape me." I said softly through my tears.

The room fell deathly silent. No one spoke or moved. The only sound you could hear was Prince's heavy breathing.

"Skip calm down brotha. I know that look and you don't wanna get arrested for something crazy." Jerome said.

"Where is he?" Prince was more than pissed. He was ready to tear Paisley Park down to its foundation.

No one answered.


He ran through his friends and out the bedroom door like a raging bull.

"TONY STOP HIM!" Morris shouted out the door as we ran after Prince trying to keep him from Marcus.

Before we could get to him Prince was already down on the main floor headed to the empty party room.

"Tony did you find him?" I asked finally making it to him at the end of the hall.

"He went inside and locked the door before I could get to him!" Tony replied in a worried tone.

"We gotta get in there before Skip loses it!" Andre said.

"Is there a key or something we could use?" Morris asked in a panic.

Tony was trying to find the right key to the door as fast as he could but was so afraid that he would lose the key before he could try it in the lock.

"Come on Tony hurry up!" Morris yelled.

"I'm trying I'm trying!" Tony said nervously.

"We gotta get in there now!" Dez said banging on the door.

"Skip! Open the door!" Andre yelled as Dez continued banging to door to snap Prince out of his rage.

The next thing we knew there was a loud crash and what sounded like glass breaking.

"Oh my god we gotta stop him!" I said.

"There has to be another way in!" Dez said to Tony.

"There's a door that goes backstage from the kitchen that's our only chance of its unlocked." Tony explained.

We raced through the kitchen and to the door. Luckily it was open. Dez, Andre, and the rest of us ran inside to find Marcus laid out on the floor in a pile of glass and one of the tables. Prince was standing over him.

"Skip! Chill!" Andre yelled.

Morris and Jerome stood as close as they could to Prince just in case they had to intervene.

"Regan! Is this the mother fucker that hurt you?" Prince asked.

His eyes were dark and full of a hatred I've never seen. They were almost black.

"Prince please! Calm down!" I said to him trying my best to snap him out of it.


"I'm not I'm protecting you!"


"Yes! It is! But I need you to calm down! Please! I don't want you getting hurt!"

Prince got down on top of Marcus.

"Oh don't worry. I won't be the one getting hurt."

Prince punched Marcus in the chest at least four times before he stood up and circled him like a hawk. His voice was suddenly calm.

"See Marcus. We could have been really good friends. I thought you were a cool dude. But now that I know who you are and what you did to my girl you don't deserve my friendship."

He stopped circling him and straddled him. As he held Marcus down he picked up a piece of glass from one of the plates that was broken during their tussle.

"In fact there's only one thing you do deserve."

Prince looked like he was going insane. He took the sharp end and turned the glass slowly against his finger. He looked at Marcus out of the corner of his eyes and gave off a small sarcastic smirk as he looked down at the man who hurt me to my core.

"Skip man c'mon let him up. It ain't worth it brotha." Dez said calmly.

Dez slowly tried to take the shard of glass from Prince but didn't want to reach suddenly and Prince cut him by mistake.

"Yeah Prince man. Let me up. We can still be cool." Marcus pleaded in a dry and insincere tone.

"Nah. I haven't given you what you deserved yet." Prince said with a devilish smile on his face.

"What's that man?" Marcus asked nervously.

Prince let out a deep laugh that made me tremble with fear. It was something out of a horror movie. He raised the shard over his head.

"You my friend.....deserve.....TO DIE!!!!"

"BABY NO!!!!"

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