Chapter 39

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The stage was set and the plan was ready. We were all afraid but we were confident. Getting Andre back was the only thing on our minds. Prince stood in the center of the room and the rest of us gathered around him. He could tell that we were worried. He looked at each and every one of us and with all the confidence he had he gave us a smile before he spoke.

"I know this is something that we're not used to. It might feel like a scene from a movie right now. The truth is life can take us on a ride. We try not to question it but we do. Right now I'm questioning if we should be doing this. At the end of it all Andre is family. We all are. We should care for and love one another that way. Andre is no different from any of us. So we have to get him home. He's done so much for me. I owe it to him because he saved me when I was in a tight spot. So now I have to return the favor. If it weren't for Andre I wouldn't be here. This place wouldn't be here. We have to give him the same love he's given to us. This won't be easy but he has to believe that we're coming for him. I don't wanna let him down."

"And you won't!" Jerome shouted from floor.

"Yeah we're doing this for Cymone!" Dez shouted.

The room erupted with cheers as we made sure that Prince knew we had his back when it came to one of his friends.

"Bring Cymone home!" Morris said as he raised his arms in the air.

"So what's the plan y'all?" Prince yelled excited.

The room shouted back to him.


It made Prince really happy that we rallied behind him. No matter how afraid we were no matter what the outcome was the goal was getting Andre back. Tony split us up into groups and got everyone into cars. I went to the door when I noticed Prince was staying back.

"You ok?" I asked him.

"Come with me." His voice beckoned to me.

I followed him to the basement. We went inside of the little room where we had our last conversation. Prince opened the desk drawer and pulled out the lock box that held the handgun inside.

"Prince you promised." I said in a shaky tone.

"I know love. But if we're going into this thing I have to make sure that I keep you safe. I may have promised you to get rid of it but I also made a promise to your mom. If I can't keep you safe it will kill her."

His eyes were compassionate as he scanned over my face looking for me to give him some type of approval.

"You know how to use that thing?" I asked him confused as he took the gun out of the box.

He turned at me and smiled.

"It's not hard. Just load, unlock, point and shoot."

I cringed as he pointed the gun and pretended that he shot off a round into the wall.

"Ok well if you shoot off a toe don't expect me to call my mom to sew it back on. Try having that conversation with her. 'Gee Prince why are you in the hospital and what happened to your toe?' 'Oh I just was sitting at home and I shot a toe off because I thought it would be cool.' She'll be so thrilled hearing that."

Prince smiled and tucked the gun away on his waist under his shirt.

"Even without a toe I can tell her that it was my battle scar of love."

He kissed me on the forehead took my hand and led the way back to the lobby. When we got to the door everyone was ready to go. The cars were loaded and the jobs were assigned. Prince and I got on his bike and led the way to Minnetonka. As we rode I placed my hand over his chest. The beating of his heart was faster than normal. He was getting anxious the closer we got to the old saw mill. When we got to the main gate the cars had shut off their headlights and Prince drove me around to my position. I got off his bike and looked the mason laid wall over for any deep holes I knew for sure were good enough to keep my footing. The window was a good ten feet from the ground. This wasn't like I was reaching for an old box of candy. I was looking for our friend.

  "Alright mouse. You know what to do. Here's your radio. When you get inside tell us where Andre is. We'll get in position and take it from there. We'll give you the green light to leave when we have him. Get as far away as you can. Promise me."

He was really worried about me and I was worried about him. I didn't want him to notice but he did.

  "Prince I just wish this wasn't happening. But I'm doing this for Andre so I will be as careful as I can."

He pulled me in for one last kiss before he drove away.

  "Get as far away as possible Regan. Please."

  "I will. I promise. I love you."

  "I love you too. Now get climbing girl."

He smiled and drove to the other side of the building. I guess it's time that I used my tree climbing experience and put it to good use.

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