Chapter 36

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Prince and I continued to stare each other down. I could see the anger in his eyes and hear the pain in his voice. I knew that he wanted to help his best friend but was pissed that he didn't know how. It was making me mad because he was going about his feelings all wrong. Especially at the wrong person.

"Not to sound like a bitch but what the fuck! Why are you blaming me for this?" I asked him still trying to remain calm but with just enough anger and frustration for him to know that I was serious.

"If you didn't bring your shit back with you from Los Angeles Andre would be here and René would still be alive!"

It took me a minute to let his words go in one ear and out the other before I let my emotions snatch them up and bring me to tears.

"You know what? Maybe I should go back to LA. Maybe my shit will follow behind me and take me out of my fucking misery. Since that's how you really feel."

I turned and started walking back to the building when he called me.

"Regan stop." He said.

Now he was calm enough to talk. I didn't turn to face him but I did stop.

"I didn't mean what I said. I'm sorry. Please stay? Please?"

I could hear his compassion. I knew he didn't mean anything he said. Seeing him angry was already hard enough. Him taking it out on me was enough to make me ruin that pretty face of his. I turned back to face him as he was standing in the middle of the court with his hand out wanting me to take it. I let out a deep sigh and shook my head with a small grin on my face.

"What am I supposed to do with that Skipper?"

"Well the last I heard it's called a hand and I want you to take it."

"Is that your way of saying you're sorry?"

"You won't know until you come here and take my hand now will you?"

"Can we stop answering a question with a question?"

"Are you gonna come here and take my hand?"

This time my smile was visible as I went and took his hand like he wanted. The moment our hands touched he pulled me close to him. His eyes were staring deep into mine. I was about to talk but he stopped me with a kiss.

"I'm sorry I took my anger out on you."

I looked at him and softly caressing his face I gave him a nod. He looked down at the ground as he let me go still only holding my hands by my fingertips.

"I wish none of this was happening. It's affecting everything around me. Especially my love for you. I don't want to keep fighting you because I know none of this was your fault. I just want it to stop."

"Hey." I said to him softly as I took his head and raised it by his chin.

"You know I love you right? I'm not out here to get on your nerves I'm out here to help you get through this. Just like you have helped me get through this shit with Marcus. I'm going to be here to help you now that he has Andre. We are in this together. Just like we always have been."

His eyes met mine and he flashed me a big smile.

"Just like we were kids right?" He asked as his forehead rested on mine.

"Exactly. Just like we were kids. I love you Skipper."

We had fallen into each other's glances once again as his lips softly fell onto mine. His kiss was just as calming as he finally was. We broke our kiss for a moment and smiled.

"I really don't wanna fight anymore. You're too pretty to being cryin'. Unless it's from pleasure."

"Stop it! We can have sex later but for now we still have to go find Andre."

"Where's Tony and the others?"

"In the lobby. You might wanna talk to Dez. He's pretty tore up about Andre."

"Dez is worse than me when he's pissed. We better get in there before I don't have a home to come back to."

We went out of the courtyard and back to the house to find the others and to work up a plan to get to Minnetonka and get Andre back home safe and sound.

Pop Life: Volume 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora