Chapter 19

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Prince placed his hands on his head and looked back at the roller coaster line hoping for something to happen.

  "You can't be serious!" I shouted at him angrily.

  "Regan they're up to something. How do they even know each other!?!?! There's know way that she could have gotten out in her own."

  "Prince we can't change the fact that she's out on bail nor can we change the fact that your ex is dating my ex. The one thing I know for certain is that you still have feelings for her."

Prince looked at me like I had said something wrong but his eyes had already given away his feelings the moment he saw René with Marcus.

  "I don't want that girl Regan you know that." He said.

It wasn't at all convincing.

  "Look Nelson I've known you since we were kids and I know when you try to hide how you really feel. You still love her even if you think you don't."

Prince could only look at me and watch as my eyes began to tear up. I didn't think that this would be the night where our closet full of skeletons would come poring down on us. I fought back my tears as hard as I could.

  "Come on mouse you know I love you. I don't want to be with anybody but you. I just think Marcus is up to something and using René as his scapegoat. That's the only thing that makes sense right now. I'm not in love with René anymore. Yeah she hurt me and it's a wound that's gonna take some time to heal but at the end of it all I'll have you. You're all I'll ever need after her."

He hit gold with his speech because every fiber in my body believed every word. I smiled and looked down at the ground to hide my face. Prince grabbed my hands and pulled me closer to him.

  "I'm sorry Skipper. I guess seeing your face the way you looked at René made me think you still-"

  "Baby girl you would never in you life have to worry about me leaving you for another woman."

He kissed my forehead and we headed to the Ferris wheel as our last ride of the night. The guys and security staffed looked relieved that we had arrived to meet them.

  "Hey man! We were about to come looking for you! Y'all cool?" Andre asked.

  "Yeah man we're cool. We ridin' before the car pulls up or what?" Prince asked the guys with a smile.

  "Hell yeah baby! Let's do this!" Morris exclaimed as he shoved the last pieces of his funnel cake in his mouth.

There was no line so Prince and his friends went up to the entrance to a car along with Tony and the rest of the security staff that came with us. It took us about five minutes before we had all gotten on and were secure in the seats. Prince and I sat alone in our own car and made out the entire time while the guys would catch a glimpse of us and cheer.

  "Skip I hope you came prepared!" Jerome yelled at us.

  "Yeah man don't get completely naked there's kids still here!" Dez chimed in.

The ride stopped to start letting riders off and me and Prince were right at the top. The sky was clear and full of stars. Just above us was the moon as big and as bright as the eyes of the man sitting next to me. I looked out at the horizon of buildings lit up in the Minneapolis skyline.

  "The city looks beautiful from up here." I said as I continued to look out in wonder.

Prince was too busy to pay me any attention while he looked up at the moon above us. I looked at him as he began to smile.

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