Chapter 15

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I woke up only to find myself laying on the couch alone. The clock read 4:57am and I stretched and let out a silent yawn before I decided to go and find Prince. I made my way to the only sanctuary that he truly called home. His beloved music room. He was just where I thought he would be. Sitting at his soundboard with his trusty blue cloud guitar in hand. I knocked on the door and let myself in. He turned to me with a smile and motioned me to come sit beside him while he worked. Prince plucked a few of his guitar strings and looked up to find me watching his fingers.

"Why are you up so early?" He asked me with that warm smile still stuck in his face.

"I should be asking you that same question." I said as I crossed my legs sitting Indian style on the little black chair.

"I never go to bed until sunrise. You know that." He said as he played a G flat on his cloud.

"Yeah I know. Whatcha working on?"

"Nothing really. I just came down here to think."


He hesitated for a moment.


I felt my face getting really warm and a smile began to form. I was blushing and given by his expression he liked it.

"Why were you thinking about me?" I asked like a shy school girl who had just told her crush that she liked him for the first time.

"Well you're important to me and I wanna keep you safe."

He looked down and played a few more notes before he spoke again.

"I love you Regan."

We locked eyes for a moment and before I could say it back Prince had already racked his guitar beside him and went in for a passionate kiss. He came his so fast that the chair that I was sitting in nearly fell backwards. His lips tasted like chocolate and an orange flavored lollipop. His hands slowly trailed my body and pulled my shirt over my head. My mind wanted him to slow down and enjoy this random moment on intimacy but my body was loudly screaming 'yes take me now!'. My hands were planted on his face. That was the only place I could keep them until my brain and my body were on the same accord. He stopped kissing me only to take his shirt off and drop it on the sound board next to us. We went back into that passionate kiss. His hands undoing my bra and sliding it down my arms. Now that my body and mind were finally joined at the hip again I grabbed at his pants and pulled them down. He stopped kissing me but said just one word to me


Without a second thought I took everything off and so did he. Before we knew we were down on the floor. It all had happened so fast that I didn't realize that he was inside of me until I let out a slight moan of pleasure. It felt like he was making love to me for the last time. I knew it wasn't going to be but it felt that way. He took his time kissing every inch of my neck and shoulders. He looked in to my eyes as he continued to make love to me slowly. It was like he was trying to connect to my soul. It didn't make me afraid. Just deeper in love with the man that the world finds mysterious. We never changed position the entire time.

"Baby I love you!" I moaned softly in his ear.

That must have really turned him on because his strokes became more aggressive. His grip became slightly tighter around my shoulders and his moans became louder. It didn't take him too much longer before he finally hit my spot. I held on to him tightly and didn't let go.

"Tell me again baby. Tell me you love me." He said deeply.

When we had reached our climax I said it.

"I love you. Don't ever leave me."

We were both out of breath still tangled in one another.

"As long as I'm alive I will never leave you." He said.

He kissed me slowly on the lips and rested his head against mine.


"Yes my love."

"I mean it. I love you."

He laughed a little as he played with a small section of my hair.

"I love you too beautiful."

Since there were no windows and the room was soundproof we didn't know if the sun was up. At this point neither of us cared. We just laid on the floor in intimate bliss. I could feel his heart against my chest. It put a smile on my face that this rock god was all mine for those few hours of heated pleasure. Then suddenly I realized something. This rock god, all though small in size, was very heavy in muscle.

"Prince?" I called.

Just my luck. His ass fell asleep on me! I tried to tap him on his back but he didn't budge.


I called again. Still no answer. This guy was a human stone.


I tried pushing him harder hoping that would wake him up but that failed.

"Skipper! I can't breathe! Wake......up!"

If this a way to die I'll take it but just without him crushing me. I had to think of something before I lost consciousness.

"Hey Prince someone's at the door with a lifetime supply of crunch bars!" I shouted in his ear.

He finally got up in a hurry to find his clothes. I can breathe again!

"Shit Regan get dressed!" He said in a frantic.

I got dressed and he was anxiously waiting at the door.

"Come on girl hurry up!" He said.

As I continued to take my time I laughed at him. He looked at me confused. When I saw his face I laughed even harder. Then he put two and two together.

"Why you little rat!" He said laughing with me.

"Sorry babe but you fell asleep on me and I had to wake you up somehow."

Prince walked up to me and took my hand.

"Well congratulations. You win. Now can we go to bed? I'm exhausted." He said.

"Gee dude I wonder why?" I giggled.

He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arm around me.

"Let's get out of here." He said.

We left from his music room and went to his room to get some much needed sleep.

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