Chapter 17

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After about and hour Prince and I were dressed for the day and headed to the living room to hang out while we waited for the guys to arrive at Paisley Park. Prince had already phoned to his security to be ready when it was time to leave. Six security staff were tagging along with us to the carnival and six others were staying back at Paisley. He wanted me to be safe and have a good time so he told his staff coming along to dress normally and not in black like they would usually wear. The guys showed up at about 5pm and crashed in the living room with us until it was time for us to leave. Prince loved going to the carnivals when the sun went down. That's when he had the most fun with all lights on the rides flashing randomly. He always said it was like they were dancing to their own song. His head is always in music no matter what we were doing. The room was silent with only the sound of VH1 playing the bangles filling the air. Bodies were scattered randomly as we watched. Prince and I were laying on the floor. His trusty oversized box of crunch bars by his side. Morris was on the plushy couch. Dez and Andre sat a table in the corner and tricky sat on the floor behind Prince just so he can try to sneak a candy bar out of the box. The semi silence was suddenly broken by the phone ringing.

"Morris get that for me will ya?" Prince asked.

"Sure your highness." Morris said sarcastically as he waved his hand at Prince.

"His royal badness can't come to the phone but you reached his servant." Morris said to the caller on the other end.

"Morris. Really?" Prince said as he scowled at him with a smile.

Morris shrugged his shoulders and smiled back at him.

"Sure thing Lauren I'll tell him and we'll be right down. By the way when will you give me your number?"

I guess Lauren laughed at him and hung up because Morris sounded like his heart slightly broke.

"That girl wants me. She'll come to realize it one day."

As Morris hung up the phone the whole room had all eyes on him. He turned from the phone and looked back at us.

"What? I know she wants me! Watch you'll see!"

Prince and Andre laughed while Jerome shook his head in disbelief.

"And Skip thought I was always chasing' skirts!" He said.

"No Tricky you and Morris are tied at first." Prince said still laughing at Morris.

"ANYWAY," Morris snapped "Lauren said that the car is here and Tony is waiting for us downstairs."

"Time to get outta here fellas!" Jerome said as he quickly stood from the floor.

Andre and Dez helped me up from the floor then Prince and Morris turned off the tv.

"I hope I can get some funnel cake tonight. Last time Andre knocked it outta my hand and this kid just walked right on it." Dez said sadly as he relived the last time we went to a carnival back in high school.

"Hey I remember that! You were sooo mad!" I said giggling at him.

"I wish I didn't." Dez said giggling back.

"Let's go guys!" Prince said as he stuffed his pockets with crunch bars.

"Dude! Seriously! We're going to a fair not a fallout shelter! What's with the candy?!?!" Andre asked him while his face looked confused.

"What? It's for just in case."

"Just in case what? The end of the world?" Morris asked through his laughter.

"Don't even bother. That's all he's been eating ever since my mom sent him that huge box of chocolate." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Why didn't she send me anything?" Morris asked

"Because you suck that's why!" Prince said with a chuckle.

"Man Skip suck this." Morris said agitated flipping him off.

"Hey children fight nicely or no cake for either of you!" Dez responded shaking his finger at the two of them.

We all left out of the living room and walked down to the lobby to meet with Tony.

"Ready to go?" Tony asked us.

"More than ready." Prince said as he shook Tony's hand.

Tony led the way out of the building and opened the doors to the limo waiting just outside.

"Ladies first." Prince said as he walked me to the car.

"Thank you sir!" I said and slid across the seat.

The rest of them filed in and found a seat. Tony closed the door and headed for another car. The limo drove away from Paisley and we were talking about a bunch of random things about growing up for the 15 minute it ride. When we finally arrived the lights were dancing across the fair grounds. Prince watched from the window and his face lit up with excitement. Just like he was a kid again. The car stopped and the driver let us out. We were all so excited to go have some fun that we were climbing over each other just to get out of the limo. Morris and Dez almost knocked the poor driver off balance. He smiled at us as we hurried to get out.

"Have a good time everyone!" He shouted at us with a smile.

I turned back to him and waved.

"Sorry about that! See ya later!" I said smiling back.

Tony and the other five staff met up with us.

"What's the plan boss?" Tony asked.

"Just keep us in your sight at all times. If anything looks suspicious you know what to do." Prince said.

"You got it boss. Have a good time." He said.

Tony gave each staff an assigned person. Tony wanted to keep a very close eye on me because of my tragic ordeal with Marcus.

"Well let's go ride some rides!" Prince said excited.

We took off to random areas of the grounds with our assigned security staff not too far behind. Prince and I played some midway games before we got on any rides because he wanted to have an ice cream cone and split it with me. When we got to the basketball game I saw a familiar face off in the distance. I couldn't make it out at first but when she got closer her features were as clear as the night sky.

"Holy shit!" I said thinking out loud.

Prince shot the ball and looked over to me.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Look at that girl and tell me who you think that is?" I asked him tugging on his sleeve.

He took another shot and turned to the girl that I pointed to.

"How is that even possible?" He asked nervously as he also recognized the girl.

The crowd parted even more to reveal the male partner she was accompanied with.

"Oh my god Prince!"

"Yeah. I know. I see it too. We gotta get Tony's attention before they know we're here."

Prince took his prize from the vendor and he and I quickly left the booth before we caught the couples attention. This night was going to get crazy if they saw us. We had to find Tony and the guys immediately to give them a heads up that there was double trouble. That trouble was René and Marcus.

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