Chapter 35

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As I followed Dez from the basement and up to the lobby he was yelling and screaming obscenities the entire time.

"Man this is fucked up! He better not dare try anything. If Prince don't kill that mother fucker I will!"

I didn't know what to say to calm him down. Jerome went up to Dez as he paced the lobby floors trying to calm him down. Jerome knew that if Prince saw him this upset he would fly off the handle too. Morris soon came up from the elevator.

"Dez man come on calm down. Andre is will get out of there and Skip won't let anything happen to him." Morris said trying to reassure him.

I felt a huge knot form in my throat and I was beginning to feel sick. The images of René laying in blood and now Andre strapped to explosives was flashing in my mind like a bad horror movie.

"Where's Skip?" Jerome asked as he finally got Dez to stop pacing and sit down.

"I don't know he was just behind me a second ago." Morris said as he looked around him.

"Did he come up with you?" I asked him.

"I thought he was but when he didn't get on the elevator I thought he took the stairs up."

I was beginning to think that he was in so much of a rage that he left out of a back door and went to find Marcus on his own.

"Stay with Dez guys. If Tony comes back tell him we need him to get his boys together because we need help now."

"Well wait Mighty Mouse where are you going?" Dez asked looking up at me worried.

"To find my boyfriend." I shouted back as I made my way back to the elevator.

Before I could catch my breath and push the button I heard what sounded like a door closing. I thought to myself that it was Prince leaving. I ran into the direction that the sound came from thinking I would see him just in time before he left the grounds. When I got to where I thought he might have been I called to him.


There was no answer so I kept searching as I called his name. By the third time I heard another door slammed closed. I ran again towards the sound thinking I had finally found him.

"Damnit Nelson where the hell are you?!?!?" I said to myself frustrated.

I continued my search when finally I saw him going into the kitchen.

"Prince! Wait!" I yelled but he never stopped.

"Skipper where are you going?" I yelled again.

He still never acknowledged me. I chased after him keeping my eyes on him so he wouldn't drop out of sight again. Prince went out another door that I never noticed before tonight. It looked like it led out to the back of the building to a field. He pushed the door open and out into the dark he went.

"Not tonight! I'm not losing you like this." I said to myself as I continued to give chase.

I ran and violently pushed the door open in front of me going out of the building. Prince was nowhere in sight.

"Shit! He's gone again."

My frustration was getting worse by the moment. I was ready to just say forget it and let him go find Andre and have his way with Marcus when I heard the sound of a ball bouncing in the distance. I followed the sound down a cobblestones pathway to a huge courtyard. When I went inside I saw what looked to be an angry and frustrated Prince at a basketball court shooting the ball trying to make a single shot but he couldn't because all he could thing about was saving Andre. We all were. I slowly walked closer to him trying my best not to set him off in the slightest way possible. When he failed at his attempted lay up he caught a glimpse of me standing just off the court in front of him.


He bounced the ball as hard as he could against the pavement before he thew it in the bushes off court.

  "You shouldn't be out here Regan. It's not safe." He said.

His frustration was still apparent in his voice.

  "Neither should you but I'm worried about you." I said as calmly as possible hoping to get his emotions to match mine.

Prince looked as me and shook his head.

  "I know the grounds Regan I've lived here for a while so I can be out here alone. You on the other hand don't know anything so you should just go just go inside."

The tone in his voice was beginning to piss me off.

  "Excuse me?" I shouted at him with a hint of anger.

  "You heard me Regan get inside! Now!"

I almost lost it but quickly came to my senses.

  "Listen I get that your angry but I need you to direct that shit to the source not at me."

  "Who's to say you aren't the source? Jenson."

He must have really wanted to get a rise out of me but I was trying really hard not to give him what he wanted.

  "I'm not the one who just kidnapped your best friend and kept him hostage in Minnetonka!"

  "No but you're part of the reason why this is happening."

"So you wanna throw all of this one me."

  "I have good reason to!"

I stood there at glared at him angrily. The tension between us was getting really heavy really fast.

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