Chapter 11

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We pulled into the driveway next to my moms car. I was never so happy to see that rusty red Buick again. I quickly hopped off the back of Prince's bike and went to the front door leaving Prince outside. As I went inside I could smell cookies baking. My mom would bake in the middle of summer whenever she felt like I missed her. A lot of times she's right.

  "Ma? Where are you and why are you baking?" I asked as I made my way to the kitchen. I rounded the corner from the living room but she wasn't in the kitchen where I thought she would me.


There was no answer. Soon the back door came open and my mom came inside with Mr. John.

  "Hey Regan honey! I didn't know you were coming home today!" She said smiling.

  "I needed a moment away from Chanhassen. I was starting to feel home sick so Prince brought me back."

  "Where is my Skippy anyway?" She asked as Mr. John sat down at the kitchen table.

  "He's on his way in. Hey Mr. John!"

  "Hello Regan. How are ya?"

  "I'm doing ok! Just can't wait to finish school that's all."

  "You and me both kid!" My mom said as she pulled a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies from the oven and began gently placing them on the cooling rack.

  "John was helping me with the fence out back. The lock had broken during the storm a few nights ago and he came by to replace it for me. So as payment I made him his favorite oatmeal cookies."

My mom wrapped the plate of cookies in plastic wrap and handed it to Mr. John.

  "Thank you Lorraine." He said as he smiled at his prize.

  "Just being a good neighbor dear."

Just then the front screen door closed and Prince slowly came in from the living room finding his father sitting at the table. He looked hesitant to walk into the same room with his dad especially after their last emotional meeting. John turned from his cookies and to his son. His eyes looked glassy as if they were going to begin to shed tears.

  "Hey Pop." Prince said nervously.

  "Skipper." Mr. Nelson replied. His tone was just as emotional as the last time.

  "How ya doin'?"

  "I should be asking you that question."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Your mother called. Said you turned her and Tyka away. They needed your help."

  "Pop I didn't turn them away they left when I told Tyka I wanted her to get into a rehab and I would pay for it. I wouldn't call that turning them away they refused the help that I had offered them."

  "You know your sister won't just go to a facility without a fight. You should have let her stay with you."

  "Pop why would I let her stay? She's an addict! We both know that she wouldn't have done anything to get a fix. Even if that meant stealing from me. I built my life at Paisley and I'm going to protect it from anybody. Family included."

I had to interject just then.


  "No Regan I'm serious! You know she would have cleaned me out Pop and wouldn't dare to feel sorry about it!"

Mr. John stood up from the table and walked up to Prince. He placed his hands on his shoulders and let out a sad sigh.

  "Your mother thinks that you dot want to help your sister."

Pop Life: Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now