Chapter 27

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I didn't turn away from my suitcase. The anger inside of me kept me facing away from Prince so I wouldn't lose my temper again. I didn't bother to answer him. I just kept packing. He called to me again this time he sounded closer to me.

  "Regan.....I'm sorry....please stay. Don't leave me."

I kept ignoring him hoping that he would take a hint and let me leave without having to say anything. I never felt like I hated Prince until today. Before long I felt a hand touch my shoulder. Usually when he touched me I would get a warm feeling that would calm me right down but verbally he took it too far and I couldn't deal with his deep seeded anger anymore. I was risking my life leaving him but I would rather fight off Marcus alone than to deal with the emotional pendulum that came to be the man behind me. Prince spoke to me again this time in a soft broken voice.

  "Please say something. I can't take you giving me the silent treatment for this long again."

I scoffed at him as I pushed his hand off of my shoulder.

  "What can I do to make you stay? Or talk to me? Hell or even just to look at me!?!?" I went in the bathroom to get my stuff still giving him the cold shoulder. As I went inside I could hear the hurt in his voice as he called my name.

  "Regan! Say something!"

I reached my boiling point and finally snapped. Without thinking I came out of the bathroom and slapped him with everything in me across his face. I immediately began to panic because I had envisioned doing that to Marcus for the longest time that I never  got to see the end result. Prince sat holding his face. The anger was now fear and I slowly began to back away from him. He quickly turned to me angry. His eyes were dark like that day he was going to stab Marcus. I tried to speak but no sound came out. I could only back away and put my hands up showing him that I wasn't trying to do anymore harm to him. My eyes had widened in fear as he charged for me. It had all happened so fast that before I knew it we were down on the floor and he had me pinned down. His hands had clutched my wrists so tightly that I though they were going to snap like twigs. The tears flowed from my eyes from the thought that he might not come out of his rage with only us two in the room. I closed my eyes and tried to mentally prepare myself for what was about to happen next. Just when I though he was going to let his rage take over I heard him crying.

  "What's happening to us?" He asked through his tears.

I opened my eyes to find his head down and his hair covering his face. Just like that the fear was gone. I still never said anything to him. Just laid there as I watched him cry while still pinning me to the floor. I wanted to get up but he never released his grip from my wrists. He continued to cry uncontrollably and asked again "what's happening to us?". I was finally able to speak now that I wasn't angry.

  "Skipper?" I called to him softly as I watched his tears stain my shirt.

He raised his head slowly and his wet teary eyes met mine. His hands let my wrists go slowly and he rolled off of me and sat on the floor beside me with his head down on his knees. Prince was then crying so hard that he was inconsolable. I sat up and crawled over to him and put my arms around him laying my head on his back as I cried with him. It was that moment where he kept saying over and over against

  "Please stay.....I'm sorry."

I could feel his hands touch mine and he continued sobbing. I got up from the floor and tapped him on the shoulder. He looked at me with those sad and tear filled eyes and took my hand. He stood to his feet and touched my face just as I touched his.


I put my fingers over his lips so that he wouldn't try to stop me.

  "It's probably better this way." I said to him trying not cry.

His eyes trailed my facing hoping that I would change my mind and stay but if it came down to it I would have probably still left even if what had happened prior to him pinning me down didn't happen at all. We had let each other go and I closed my suitcase and zipped it slowly. I looked back to see Prince still standing behind me with his tears streaming down his face.

  "Why?" Was all he asked.

As I made it to the door and opened it. I turned to him with now teary eyes and a broken heart.

  "Because you were just a good time." I said as I sent his words back to him in a much softer tone.

I closed the door behind me as he stood in his pain and went to the lobby to find Tony. Just then I heard a woman call out to me.

  "Regan wait!"

I turned to find René running up to me. I rolled my eyes and stopped as she came closer.

  "What do you want?" I said angrily.

  "Look I know you hate me and you're entitled to that. But don't leave him. I Don't  want you to think that I'm coming in between your relationship. Prince loves you and I can see it in his eyes. If he didn't he wouldn't be fighting so hard to keep you safe from Marcus. If anyone deserves his heart it's you. Please go back up there and make it work. It would really kill him if you left. I know it would."

I hated to believe it but René was right.

  "How much did you-"

  "All of it. And truthfully we didn't love each other that much for what happened between you two happen to us so that means something. I cheated on Prince for you. Not because of him."

I was never more confused in my life.

  "Wait what does that mean you cheated for me?" I asked her.

  "I saw the way he looked at you when you came to the show that night. You were his one and only. He was never so in love and he never really looked at me like that before. You had his heart for a long time and I could see it. It was all over his face. It broke my heart but I had to drive him away from me somehow. I just grabbed the first cute guy I saw and let him screw me."

  "So wait! You knew all that time that he saw?" I asked stunned.

She didn't verbally admit it but her eyes gave the truth away.

  "His reflection in the mirror on the vanity was proof enough." She said sadly.

  "René you-"

  "It was stupid I know but then he would be lying to me and to himself if he had told me that he didn't want me to leave him if I had just ended it. He needed to find out himself that I wasn't what he wanted."

  "So what about all those times you kept showing up?"

  "I missed him. I wanted him back but he was so in love with you that there was no changing his mind. I was jealous in a way but I knew I had did the right thing in the end. You think about things like that when your ex locks you up and throws away the key."

She smiled nervously and grabbed my hand.

  "Go back to him and make this work." I dropped my suitcase and ran back to the top floor to his bedroom.

I opened the door to find Prince still standing there where I left him.


He quickly looked up front the floor and a smile crept across his face.

  " came back!"

  "I never left!"

The tears from my eyes fell as I ran into his arms.

  "And I'm not going to leave you."

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