Chapter 40

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I scaled the old brick wall and found an open window and carefully crawled inside without making a sound. The scaffolding was wobbly but I managed to make sure I kept my balance as I walked across the top to find where Andre was. The only thing I told myself just to keep from freaking out was 'don't fall'. Ahead of me I could see a single light on. That's where I should look. I made my way to the light as quietly as possible. The scaffolding shook beneath me as I crept across it. I got to a good spot where I could see the whole warehouse floor from above. As I scanned the room I found him. I found Andre just like the tape showed us. Tied to a chair with a vest of explosives on. His head was down but I could see the dried blood on his face.

"Shit! Hold on Dre. We're coming." I whispered to myself.

I grabbed my radio from my waistband and turned it on and made sure the volume was on low.

"Guys I got him. He's by the receiving bay. Center door and it's open."

"Where's Marcus baby girl?" I heard Prince ask me over the radio.

"I don't know I don't see him anywhere."

Just then a door opened. I spoke too soon. Marcus came in the warehouse holding a can of gasoline.

"Don't come in he's here!" I commanded.

"Where Regan?" Prince asked.

"He's walking up to Andre with a gas can. He's about to set him on fire we have to do something now."

"Sit tight miss Regan we'll be right there just stay on Marcus don't let him out of your sight." Tony said channeling in.

I could hear Marcus talking but I can't hear what he's saying because the sound of his voice was bouncing off of the walls. All I knew was that Andre was in trouble and we needed to act quickly.

"Guys I can't sit here like this we need a distraction and we need it fast. Somebody better start making some moves before I do." I said getting angry.

"Regan you promised me! Don't get stupid!" Prince said as he tried to keep him self calm.

"We need to move he's about to torch Andre as well as this building!"

"I'm thinking I'm thinking."

"Damnit Prince! We don't have time to think. If I have to distract him to get you guys in then that's what I'll do but get in here now!"

"Regan what are you doing?" Prince asked as his voice got higher in pitch.

I turned off my radio and climbed down the scaffolding to the floor. Staying as quiet as possible I stayed low in between the shelves so Marcus couldn't see me. I could finally hear what he was saying to Andre.

"It's almost midnight brotha! Looks like ya boys ain't comin'! Pretty boy is too soft to show his face! Dez wouldn't dare try anything crazy. He knows how I get down. The other two jokers are expendable just like Rene's sorry ass. And Regan......she'll come crawling back to me. She'll soon know that your friend isn't the man she needs. No man can call themselves a man in heels. When I see Regan again I'll have my way with her. Maybe you can watch. Or join in!"

I was damn near ready to leave until he said he wanted to have his way with me. I had enough of him thinking that I'm some submissive little girl. Time to face this demon. No more running away in fear.

"It would be great if she would just come willingly. I would hate to force her ya know?"

"YEAH WE KNOW!" I shouted at his back.

He turned to find me standing behind him. The surprised look on his face was the most genuine expression I've ever seen since I met this bastard. A dark grin grew on his face as he sat the gas can on the ground.

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