Chapter 6

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Morning came and the room was quiet. The sky was grey but gave just enough light for me to see the silhouette of a peacefully sleeping Prince beside me. He was laying on his stomach with his face covered by his messy bed hair. It was a sweet moment between the two of us. I slowly caressed his face while moving his hair away from his closed eyes. His breathing was light and steady and the feel of his skin on my fingers was soft and warm. As I laid there next to the man who defended my honor late last night I felt a small amount of guilt wash over me. I could have gotten him killed or hurt. I should have told him what had happened to me when Marcus first tried to rape me. However I didn't want to be the one to ruin his time and the end stretch of his tour. I remember that phone call like it was yesterday. I was crying hysterically in my dorm when the phone began to ring. I tried to mask my crying when I answered by pretending I was laughing.

  "Dorm C this is Regan who ya lookin' for?"

  "What's up girl? Something must be pretty damn funny for you to answer the phone like that!" Prince said as he laughed with me even though I wasn't laughing.

  "Hey Skipper! I didn't think you would call! ya doin'?"

  "Well I would be a lot better if you were sitting front row cheering your brains out but since you picked up the phone this is just as good."

  "I know I really wanted to be there but......with midterms and all.....I hope you understand."

  "You know I do! I'll always have another tour you can join me on."

I began to cry as I heard his warm smile through the phone. He must have heard me because he felt like something was wrong.

  "Hey Regan you alright? You would start cracking jokes about touring with me by now."

  "Oh yeah I'm fine! I've just been under a lot of stress with studying."

  "Regan? Are you lying to me?" He joked.

"No! Not at all!"

  "Regan I know you and when you get quiet somethings up. Start talkin' mama."

I took a deep breath and made the decision to come clean.

  "Prince? I was.....I was at a party and I met someone."

  "Awwwww look at that! Regan's gotta new boyfriend!" Prince joked.

  "Yeah.....yeah I do but he tried to-"

  "Aw damn! Hey mouse somethings going on with the band. Can I call you back?"

  "Yeah! Sure! I'll be waiting!" I said tryin to smile through my tears.

  "Stay by the phone. Luv ya!"

He hung up the phone and I was still holding the receiver to my ear crying my heart out for him.

  "Luv ya back Skipper." I sobbed.

Marcus came back to my dorm room and stood at the door.

  "The fuck you cryin about now?" He scolded.

  "I.....I was talking to one of my friends when-"

  "What fucking friend? Bitch you will never have more of a real friend like me. Now get ready for tonight. Cuz your gonna give it to me. And your gonna love it."

Marcus left the room and closed the door. I sat on my bed sobbing even harder. The memory faded away as a tear fell from my eyes. I didn't know Prince was awake as he saw my tears begin to fall.

"Regan?" He said to me softly.

  "Hey! You're awake!" I said trying to sound excited as I wiped my tears.

  "Are you ok?"

  "Yeah I'm ok. I'm just glad that you're here with me."

Prince sat up in the bed and pulled the blanket closer to his abdomen.

  "Come here my love." He said as he motioned me closer to him.

I sat up in the bed next to him and laid my head gently on his shoulder. He grabbed my hand and kissed it then held to his heart.

  "Tell what happened between you and him on campus."

I was afraid to tell him but since my past was now slowing being exposed piece by jaggedly painful piece it was a little easier to tell him everything. I told him that it began on the day he had called me while he was on tour. Marcus had come into my dorm room a few hours before the phone call in a drunken stupor and wanted me to have sex with him. I told him that I wasn't ready and he had slapped me so hard that I had fallen through my closet door. He then grabbed me from the floor and violently tossed me to the bed and pinned me down. He was trying to rip my jeans off when my roommate Josie burst in the room when she heard my screams. Her brother Robert wasn't too far behind when he heard his sister screaming at Marcus angrily and had threatened to kill him if he ever showed his face while he was around again. Marcus just laughed at us and left the room. Josie wanted me to come with her and her brother to the mall just to make sure I would be ok but I decided to stay back because I didn't want him to follow me. An hour later was when I had got the call from Prince.

After I had told Prince the story of that horrifying day, his face was pale. He looked like he was going to be sick.

  "I never should have gotten off the phone with you." He said sadly.

  "Prince you didn't know."

  "Yeah but I would have if I had just stayed on the phone with you and listened to you. I blew you off over some dumb ass fight between the band that they could have solved on their own. How did I not see that you were in trouble? Some fucking friend I was."

  "Prince you have always been an amazing friend. You have nothing to feel bad about. My only regret was not calling you when it first happened."

  "Even if you did I couldn't be reached until I got to a hotel. It would have been hours before you heard from me. But it's all over now. We're together and you're safe with me. No matter what it takes."

He kissed my forehead and got out of bed.

  "Now....." He said grabbing my hands and pulling me out of bed.

  "Let's see that pretty smile today. Wanna do breakfast?"

I gave him a smile and tugged at his pants.

  "Honestly I would rather do you." I said with a wink and sexy tone.

  "That's all the breakfast I need!" He said blushing.

  "How do you want it?" I asked slowly gliding my fingers down his chest.

Prince took my hand and led me to the bathroom.

  "Hot and steamy!" He replied in a deep seductive voice.

  "Ooooh I've never done it in the showers before!" I giggled.

  "There's first time for everything!" He said kissing me on the lips.

Prince turned the shower on and we stepped inside for a little morning love making.

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