Chapter 21

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We must have been on the third floor for longer than a few minutes because the guys were at the door knocking and jiggling the knob trying to get in. They must have been out there for a few minutes before Dez started to get agitated. He wasn't very nice when he was hungry. That's the only thing we could ever have in common. Prince and I laid on the floor quietly as we listen.

"Hey Skip for as long as y'all were in there she better be good and pregnant!" Dez said on the other side of the door.

"Hell she better be damn near in labor!" Morris said following Dez.

Prince laid back on the floor and laughed as he covered his blushing face with his shirt.

"These guys." He said.

"Well you picked them to be your friends." I giggled as I kissed him on his arm.

"We better get dressed before they decide to have Andre pick the lock." He said running his hands down my arm.

I grabbed my clothes from the floor and made a mad dash for the closet to change. Prince got dressed and opened the dpi and let his friends inside.

"Heeey fellas? Waiting long?" Prince said nervously as he let them all in.

"Ya damn right! Y'all in here jerkin' around and we thinkin we gonna get outta here! Now are y'all done doin each other or what?" Morris replied.

He wanted to sound angry but I could hear his smile though his words as I slowly came out of the closet fully clothed but with my hair slightly out of place. Just then all eyes were on me as I appeared out of the corner of the room.

"How ya doin guys? Ready to go?" I asked trying to avoid them burning holes in my body.

"So when the baby getting here Mighty Mouse?" Dez asked as he looked me up and down.

I covered my stomach with my arms so that he would stop looking at me like I was standing there naked.

"I'm not pregnant Dez besides I......"

I stopped talking because I didn't want to open yet another life changing wound.

"You what?" Andre asked.

"Nothing. Let's go I'm sure you guys are all starving yes?" I said quickly changing the subject. We left the room and went down to the lobby and this time all leaving together. Jerome Andre Morris and Dez decided to ride in Jerome's Cadillac and Prince an I led the way on his bike. We got to my house and the lights were all on downstairs. The smell of her cooking would hit us all at once from the front door.

"Mmmm! It smells like heaven in there!" Andre said as he let out a sigh of happiness.

"Well are we gonna just stand out here hungry or are we going in?" Morris snapped.

"Go on in rudeness!" I snapped back at Morris waving him off as I smiled.

The guys went inside with me and Prince not too far behind. As we got to the door I could hear my mom greeting each and every person that came across the threshold.

  "Well hello boys!" She exclaimed as she went to hug Andre.

  "Hey Mrs. Lorraine! What's shakin'?" Morris said loudly.

Dez gave him a hard nudge in the arm.

  "Manners man. That's Regan's mom ya talkin' to!" He said as Morris rubbed the sore spot on his forearm.

  "Oh stop it. You guys are all family here and I know Morris knows better." My mom said to Dez as she gave him a hug next.

  "Yes ma'am." Dez said with a big grin on his face.

"How was the tour my love?" She asked him pulling away.

  "It was amazing Mrs. J. I wish you and Regan could have been there." Dez said

  "There will be more I'm sure sweetheart." She said as she them moved on to Jerome.

  "Tricky dear how are you?"

  "Im doing wonderful how are you Mrs. Lorraine?"

  "Better now that you're here."

She gave him a kiss and then gave Morris a hug.

  "Morris Eugene Day I should get my switch for that greeting you gave me." She said to him sternly.

  "I'm sorry ma'am. It won't happen again I promise." He said as sincerely as he could.

When her eyes fell onto me she let Morris go and gave me the biggest hug she could give me.

  "There's my beautiful little girl!"

You could hear her trying to fight back her tears in her voice.

  "Ma! Why must you get all emotional every time I come home?"

  "Because I've missed you so much. Now that you're here I never see you now that your time is being spent in Chanhassen and with my my new son for that matter come here my skippy."

She went over to Prince and gave him a big hug and almost never let him go.

  "It's good to see you again!" He managed to say as she was still squeezing him tightly.

  "I hope she's taking good care of you out there." She whispered to him but just loud enough so i can hear her.

  "Gee thanks ma tell him how you really feel." I said as I rolled my eyes at her snarky comment.

  "Well who's hungry! I just made a nice spaghetti dinner with turkey meatballs still hot in the slow cooker. And for dessert we have triple chocolate cake!"

The guys looked like hungry wolves as they each grabbed a plate from my mom and helped themselves to dinner. Once they all made a plate they all sat at the table and my mom blessed the food. Before the last person could say amen Morris had already started shoveling forkfuls of food in his mouth. I haven't seen these guys eat like this since high school. You would have thought they had just got done playing in the Super Bowl. My mom was never so happy.

Pop Life: Volume 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant