Chapter 12

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We rode through town in the sunny Chanhassen sun with smiles on our faces. I kissed Prince on his cheek as we made it to the gates of Paisley Park. No sooner did we arrive our smiles were gone when we noticed an object laying on the ground in front of the gate. We slowly got closer that this object was a person slumped over on the ground.

  "Oh my god!" Prince shouted as he hit the breaks and parked his bike.

We jumped off and ran over to the unconscious guard. I noticed he was bleeding.

  "Prince I think he was shot!" I cried as I covered the bleeding wound with my hands.

Prince grabbed the radio off of the guards shirt and called for Tony.

  "Tony this is Prince where are you I need an ambulance now!"

  "Right away boss! I'm on my way out! Where are you?"

  "At the entrance. Front gate. Drew is down! We think he's been shot!"

  "Ok I got EMT's on the way! Just stay with him and see if he can talk to you until they come! I'll be right there!"

Prince dropped the radio to the ground and tried to wake up the guard.

  "Drew? Wake up man it's Prince! Can you hear me?" Prince said frantically trying to shake him awake.

Drew let out a painful groan and slowly lifted his head.

"Ahhhh my chest!" Drew said in agony.

  "Talk to me Drew what happened?" Prince asked him.

Drew looked over at Prince and smiled.

  "Hey boss! Glad you were here. I was worried he got through....."

  "What happened who tried to get through?"

Drew took a breath and tried to sit up. His body was much too weak to position himself at the gate.

  "I didn't see his face but he demanded that he get in to see you. He said that he owed you."

  "Did he give a name?" I asked worried.

  "Yeah he said his name was Marcus. Then he pulled his pistol and shot me before I could get out of the way."

  "Oh my god Prince he's after me! This is all my fault!" I said as I began to cry.

  "Don't worry Regan you'll be safe I promise. Drew stay with me buddy you're gonna be alright. Help is coming just stay awake."

  "Don't worry boss. I'll be fine. Thank go I had my vest on. The bullet went through but cut my skin a little. That wasn't an ordinary bullet. He was shooting to kill."

Prince and I looked at each other afraid that he still might be in the area. As the sound of distant sirens got closer and closer Tony showed up to the gate and asked us to hold Drew up so he can open it and come through to assist the emergency crew. Two Carver County police squad cars pulled up as well as the ambulance. The officers ran over to us with guns at the ready.

  "Sir can you tell us what happened?" One officer asked Prince.

  "I don't know I was away. When I came back I found him like this." He said nervously.

The EMT's put Drew on the stretcher and took him to the back of the truck to give him an IV and get him stabilized. My hands were still covered in Drew's blood and they began to gently tremble at the sight of them. One of the officers gave me a bottle of hand sanitizer and some tissues to clean them off. The other office was still over with Drew and the EMT's gathering more information for his report. Then he made his way over to Prince and Tony to get information from them. Prince folders his hands and rested them on the back of his head while he explained what he found pulling up to the gates of his estate. Tony had pointed back to the house showing the officer where he was. The officer took notes and pointed over to me in between writing. Prince shook his head and the officer made his way over to me.

  "Do having information miss?" He said as he opened his notepad.

I looked over to Prince and he gave me the go ahead to tell the cop what I knew could help get Marcus caught as soon as possible.

  "The man who shot the guard is my ex boyfriend. His name is Marcus. Marcus Jones. He's very dangerous and he'll hurt anybody that tries to stop him." I said trying to hold back my tears.

  "We'll do what we can miss." The officer said.

Prince walked over with Tony and held me close to him. He ran his gentle hands down my back while he gave me comfort.

  "It's alright Regan. It will be over soon." He said in a soft deep voice.

I closed my eyes and breathed him in deeply.

  "I hope you're right Prince." I said through my tears.

The police and the ambulance drove off with Drew and headed for the hospital. I felt like my past had finally found me and was steps away from tearing my life apart piece by piece.

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