Chapter 2

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Hours had passed and I had just woke up from falling asleep in my party dress. My eyes were dry from crying so much. I sat up to find Tony pacing the floor of the bedroom.

  "You ok there?" He asked me.

  "Yeah I think so." I said to him in a raspy voice.

  "You feel like talkin'?"

  "I don't know how to tell Prince about what happened."

  "Well I can help you with that. Tell me and I'll fill him in. What got you so spooked earlier?"

  "My ex.....he....."

Tony looked puzzled.

  "You're ex what?"


  "Here in Minnesota?"

  "Here as in downstairs with Prince."

  "What's wrong with that?"

  "Everything he's fucking psycho!"

  "You care to elaborate? We could give you better protection if you give me more on him."

I sat on the end of the bed and ran my fingers in my hair and placed my face in my hands.

"Marcus? That guy that came with Dez is dangerous. Especially when he's drunk. He's tried to rape me on two different occasions and he said things to me."

Tony's face was nearly pale. For a heavy set brown skinned black man that's pretty damn hard to accomplish.

  "Does the boss know?" He asked furiously.

  "I haven't told him yet." I said sadly.

  "You gotta tell him ASAP. He needs to know. You being protected is important to him."

  "I know. I'll tell him tonight after everyone leaves. I just don't want Marcus to say anything to him before I do."

  "Well why didn't you tell him sooner than this?"

I let out a deep sigh and sat quietly for a moment. I knew that question was going to come eventually.

  "If I had told Prince about Marcus and what he did to me he would've killed him and threw his career away. I didn't want him to do that. He's already done enough for me."

  "What do you mean this guy is in his house! I'm gonna radio to some of the guys because this is-"

  "Wait Tony! I don't want Prince to start asking questions yet."

  "Miss Regan I'm sorry but I have to do my job. I can't lie to the boss an neither should you. I'm going to make this thing as smooth as possible but you need to tell him."

I knew in my heart Tony was right. I had to tell Prince about my past before it backfired in my face. With Marcus being here it was forcing me to do it sooner rather than later. It seemed like this party was going on forever. Prince was entertaining guests and having a good time while I'm sitting in his room alone contemplating how I'm going to tell Prince about what happened between me and Marcus and why I ran away so abruptly. My heart was racing for hours. I felt like I was going into shock. I was watching the clock as I waited for Prince. Tony had already sent out the warning that there was a potential threat in the building and everybody should be on their A game. I went into the bathroom to change and clear my head. I went over the conversation I would have with Prince about Marcus at least a million times in my mind only to get the same scenario. Prince getting mad and going after Marcus. I knew that with everything he had worked for would go to shit because Marcus would rather have Prince and I lose everything than to leave quietly if asked. I came out of the bathroom to find Tony talking to somebody on the other side of the door.

"Tony? Who is it?" I asked in a panic.

"It's alright miss Regan its Andre and Dez."

I let out a sigh of relief and was able to settle my nerves.

"I wanna talk to Dez alone for a minute send him in Tony." I said anxiously.

Tony let Dez inside and left us to talk. Dez had a smile on his face when he came to see me.

"Hey girl! We missed you at the party! What happened?" He asked.

"Dez I have to talk to you about something really important."

"Sure babe! What's up? What's it about?"

I took a deep breath and prepared myself to say his name in this conversation.

"It's about your friend." I said softly.

"Who Prince?"


Pop Life: Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now