Chapter 34

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Prince dropped the pictures on the ground and was more than angry. I saw the rage take him over slowly as his breathing was hard and heavy.

  "Where did you find those Tony?" Prince asked as he was still pissed at the sight of René laying in her own blood.

  "They were left tapped to the gate when I was letting Drew in."

Prince's face softened a little.

  "Drew is back? I thought he was still on leave from getting shot." Morris asked.

  "He is but he wanted to see you. He said he saw somebody snatch up Andre in a black van."

My stomach dropped to the floor and I unintentionally let out a gasp of shock.

Prince went to the lobby to find Drew and we were once again behind him when we had got to the lobby we saw Drew sitting on the couch that René was last seen sleeping on.

  "Drew. How are you? What are you doing here? You should be home resting." Prince said as Drew slowly rose from the sofa to greet him.

  "I know but I was just at the store getting some things when I had ran into Andre." Drew said as he was trying really hard to stand but the pain in his chest from the recent surgery he had to remove the bullet was greater than he imagined.

Prince helped him sit back down on the couch to relieve him from his pain. I went and helped Drew get comfortable and put the throw pillows behind him to help support his back. Morris and Dez sent Jerome to get something for him to drink and then went over to the main door to keep watch just in case someone was watching.

  "Was he ok when you saw him?" I had asked.

  "He was fine. We talked for a few minutes before he went to the register. I told him that when he got here to tell you guys that I said hi and I'll be back in a few weeks."

  "So how did you know he was being kidnapped?" Prince asked him concerned.

  "I was coming out of the store when I noticed he was walking across the parking lot to get to his car when a black van showed up and a man I think I saw before jumped out and covered his face before they threw him in and took off. I had my daughter follow the van to an old warehouse just outside of Minnetonka. Here. I have the address."

Drew reached in his pocket and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper with an address on it and gave it to Prince. He looked at the address and his eyes got wide.

  "I know where this is." He said as his anger began to rise in him once again.

  "Where's my boy Skip?" Morris asked worried.

  "He's at the old saw mill by the lake."

  "Wait! The one near the camp?" Jerome asked.

  "Yeah thats the place." Prince said as he balled up the piece of paper and stood from the couch.

  "Prince what are we gonna do? If we wait for too long Marcus would kill him too!" I said in a panic.

  "I don't know. I'm thinking." He said as he began to pace the floor."

Morris and Dez were just as worried if not more than Prince was about their friend.

  "What about the tape Skip?" Dez had asked.

Prince suddenly remember that the last gift we got contained a tape inside. We went up to the second floor to the studio where Prince had a player that would play the tiny video tape. He put it inside the machine and went to push play when Jerome called to him.

  "Skip hold on it's not 9 yet."

  "I don't care. I wanna see it now." Prince said.

He let out a sigh and pushed play. We watched as the fear grew in the room. None of us knew what to expect when the tape played on the small screen in front of us. The picture cleared and there she was. René was standing in the middle of the warehouse that Andre could possibly be held hostage in. She was tied to a pole and blindfolded. There was no sound so we all had to sit at here and use our imagination. Just then Marcus appeared on screen. He was wearing a black suit. The same suit that her very driver was wearing when she was picked up. He leaned in a whispered something in her ear. She was shaking her head no and it looked like she was yelling when all of a sudden Marcus blocked the view of her from the camera and it looked like he had stabbed her at point blank range. He moved away from her and left her tied to the pole. Her body was tense at first then after a few moments she had passed out. Marcus them untied her and laid her on the floor and left her there. He came up to the camera with a sign that said 'you have until midnight to save your friend or else.'. The screen went black and words in red that said boom popped up on the screen.

  "He's fucking sick." I said as I covered my face.

Prince was about to stop the tape when the camera had showed Andre strapped to a chair with what appeared to be explosives tied to him. Then the tape stopped.

  "He's fucking dead! When I get my hands on him....." Prince said as he ran through us and punched the wall as hard as he could.

Dez couldn't control himself anymore. He snapped and left out of the room quickly to go find Marcus. I ran after him and pretty soon Jerome did too. Tonight was going to be hell and none of us were ready.

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