Chapter 20

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The next morning I woke up to find Prince had gone. Still laying in his bed naked I smiled and shook my head because I knew that he would be working the moment he got out of bed. The memory of Prince holding me close to him still lingered on my skin. The softness of his skin next to mine made me feel really warm inside. He was right. Just laying there next to him was a lot better than sex. Maybe that was the intimacy that I was looking for all this time. Granted the love making sessions we've had have taken me to the moon but last night left a feeling of security that I never felt with Marcus. Being with Prince is making me realize what love really is. As I was still thinking about him holding me in his strong and toned arms my body began to shiver as if I was going through some type of withdrawal. I got up and took a quick shower and got dressed so I can go and find that missing piece to my soul. I tried to do my hair in a neat pony tail but I was in such a rush to go and find Prince just to tell him that I love him that it didn't come out the way it was intended. I slipped on a pair of black flats and ran out of the bedroom. I could hear Andre and Prince just down the hall talking. First place to look would be in the living room. As I got closer the voices got louder. I stopped just short of the door so I can compose my self and catch my breath. I walked through the door and the guys were still laughing and joking around when my red flannel shirt caught Jerome's attention.

"Hey Regan! What's shakin' baby? Come join the party!"

"What are y'all in here giggling about?" I asked.

"We were talking about how Andre tried to Mack on this one girl in high school and she played him like an Atarti!" Morris said still laughing at the memory.

"Speaking of Atari! Morris Day I believe you owe me a new one!" I said as I sat down on the floor in front of Prince.

This time he was popping tootsie rolls like tic tacs. I don't know how his dentist doesn't peg him for worst patient ever. Somehow he was flawless from head to toe and it was really starting to get annoying.

"Oh here we go with that again. Skip getcha girl!" Morris said as he pointed at me.

"She does have a point though. You were the one that took a nose dive on it." Prince said as he was still stuffing his cheeks with candy.

"Last time I remember you took a turn too!" Morris snapped.

Morris did have a point. Prince did kick it across my bedroom after Morris dived on top of it.

"Well then let's settle it once and for all. Drum off. Right now!" I said as I got excited.

"Oh yeah! Y'all can do it now that Regan is awake! Let's do this i wanna see Skip put a dent in that ass Morris!" Dez said as he stood up from the floor.

"Time for a drum off baby! Kick his ass Morris!" Jerome said jokingly.

"Nah it will be be kickin' ass." Prince said as he tried to puff out his chest. He leaned over to me and whispered in my ear.

"I'll be getting some ass later on too."

Prince really thought he was going to win because he wanted me to feed him crunch bars all night. I wanted Morris to win just so I wouldn't have to. We all went to the music room and Morris had self proclaimed Prince's drum set as a bonus prize if he won.

"Alright fellas y'all know what it is. Best drummer wins! Morris do what it do!" Jerome said.

Morris began drumming out his best rims shots with crazy bass. He went on for about a minute and a half when he ended his solo.

"Yeah Morris show the kid how it's done!" Jerome shouted as we gave an applause.

"Yeah yeah cheer all ya want but you'll be cryin in a minute." Prince said giving Morris a playful thumbs down.

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