Chapter 3

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Dez looked mad. This was the first time since I left college to see him red in the face. He looked like he wanted to kill someone. The fury in his eyes was strong. I was almost afraid to be in the same room with him. I wanted to call for Tony but no sound could leave my mouth.

"I wish I had known sooner! I knew there was something off about him when he punched that girl after the show last month!"

Dez stood up from the bed and began pacing the room punching his fist into his other hand. I bet he was wishing that it was Marcus right about now.

"Dez please try to calm down. I don't want Prince to come up and see you like this."

He stopped pacing and looked confused.

"You mean he doesn't know!?!?!" He shouted.

"Dez please be quiet! And no he doesn't but I need to tell him before Marcus does. I'm just scared to tell him. I don't know how he'll react."

"Probably the fuck like me! Skip's gonna cut that son of a bitch!"

"I know and the last thing we need is for it to get in the papers that it happened it would ruin him."

Dez calmed down a little to think about the possibly of Prince ruining his career and possibly the rest of his life.

"What about the other guys do they know?"

"No. Just you and right now Tony."

"Well what do you want me to do?"

I grabbed Dez by the hands and sat him down on the bed.

"I want you to be here when I tell him. He's going to need someone to calm him down. I know it won't be enough from me. Maybe you can tell him what you saw Marcus do to the other girl."

Dez sighed and dropped his head.

"Prince is my family and I would do anything for him. Since you're his girl I can't say no so I'm down."

Dez stood up and put his hands behind his head. He looked pretty nervous and I know putting him in an already bad situation was getting to him. Him and Prince were close when they were band mates on the dirty mind tour and he knew that if he kept a secret from Prince it would devastate their friendship. I didn't want to be the one to come between them so I had to come clean to Prince about my past before it was too late.

"So when are we gonna tell him Mighty Mouse?"

Before I could respond Prince and Andre came in the room. My heart stopped beating instantly. The fear within me was written on my face and everyone in the room could see it. Dez looked even more nervous than before. Prince could tell something was going on and was on edge from the awkward silence.

"So no one wants to tell me anything? Regan?" He said trying to keep his anger to a minimum.

"Skip before you jump to conclusions you might wanna sit down." Dez said as he pointed to the bed.

Prince sat on the corner of the bed with his hands folded in is lap. His face was focused and confused. I sat down beside him and took him by the hands. Mine were shaking and he knew I was trying to keep them from getting worse.

"Should I stay here or leave?" Andre asked.

"You can stay Andre. The more people the better honestly." I said feeling a little better.

"I'll tell Tricky,Morris and Marcus to-"

I cut Andre off quickly.

"Tricky and Morris only! Leave Marcus where he is!" I said.

Prince heard the fear and the anger in my voice and his eyes were really big because he couldn't figure out why I was excluding someone I just met a few hours ago.

Morris and Jerome came in the room and shut the door behind them.

"What's going on? Some type of secret meeting?" Morris asked.

"We're getting to that Morris. What is going on Dez?" Andre asked concerned.

"Oh you'll know soon enough. I can say that it's not my story to tell. It's Regan's. Regan we're all here to support you so tell Prince now."

My heart was racing and I could feel the tears ready to pour from my eyes. I held them back for as long as I could but it was only a matter of time before they begin to fall. It was time to face the music and tell Prince the truth. Hopefully this night doesn't end tragically.

Pop Life: Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now