chapter 43

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Chapter 43

So here is the moment a lot of you have been waiting for and messaging me like nuts to read this chapter will be where Everest gives birth to her pup also thank you to everyone who reviewed last chapter thanks for taking the little amount of time it takes to review the chapter your epic also thanks to everyone who messaged me ideas for Rocky's girlfriend I will be going through with the idea but I haven't chosen who will be Rocky's girlfriend yet thanks everyone and here is the CHAPTER!

Ryder "What oh ok then quickly see if you can get her to the med bay Marshall".

Marshall "I can't she says it hurts to move and stuff Katie is on her way she should be here soon".

Everest was heard screaming in the background "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IT HURTS"!

Ryder "Be by her side Marshall the whole time and try get her to relax as well if you can I'm on my way" Ryder ended the call and started running towards Everest's and Marshall's room.

Meanwhile Rose could hear Everest from her and Zuma's room and was also running towards the room.

Rose "Oh my its time she is giving birth better call Skye" she called Skye.

Skye "Hey Rose what's up"?

Rose "Quick get to Everest's and Marshall room Everest is in labor and giving birth right now"!

Skye "Wait what she is in labor ok then I'm on my way right now" Skye ended the call and ran out of the room towards Everest's and Marshall's.

Meanwhile with Marshall and Everest in their room.

Everest was getting shape pains in her lower area every 5 minutes and when they came they came painfully.


Marshall sat right next to her and held her right paw with both of his front paws as she yelled more and more.

Marshall "It will be ok Everest everything will be ok just try to relax and breath slowly just like what Rose did" he nuzzled he face gently.

Everest was breathing very hard and tried to slow it down but couldn't as she kept breathing heavily. Suddenly the door opened and Katie ran in as Rose ran in after her and Skye after her.

The three girls all ran the Everest's side as Katie put an oxygen mask on Everest and gave her some pain relief.

Everest's breathing slowed down slowly and her shape pains didn't hurt so much anymore.

Rose "Hey Eve it's going to be fine you going to give birth to a little pup who you will look after and be a great mother to you will do great".

Skye smiled "Yer Everest you can do this and you will be an epic mum just like Marshall will be an epic dad".

Everest smiled while slowing down her breathing "thanks girls you two are gr AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH"!

Katie "Ok Everest this is it when you feel the need to push girl you have to push hard ok girl"?

Everest nodded as tears ran down her face and she held Marshall's paws very hard hurting him but he didn't care.

After 10 minutes of labor Everest suddenly felt the need to push and yelled loudly.


Katie "Ok girl it's ok just push when you feel the need to ok I'm right here Everest".

Everest pushed hard as she yelled more.

Rose "come on Everest you can do this girl when you give birth to that pup you will be so happy and this will be so worth it".

Skye just smiled and watched Everest.

Marshall "Come on my love you can do this".

Everest "IIIIIIIIII CCCCCCCCCCCCAN DO THIS"! She pushed again as she started breathing faster "I can feel it coming".

Katie "Good Everest that's very good you're doing great just keeping pushing when you need to".

Everest nodded as she pushed again she felt the pup moving inside her body as she kept pushing she felt it getting closer and closer to coming out.

Everest gave one big massive push and yelled loudly while doing it.

Katie "that was great Everest I can see the pups head coming out your vagina now girl if you push once more I should be able to help you after by gently pulling it out".

Everest nodded as she had other plans and gave another massive push and as she did she pushed the pup fully out and into Katie's hands. Everest then felt really weak and tired as she fell asleep right away.

Katie smiled as she cleaned the pup "that was a good job Everest rest now you need it and Marshall I would like to say you have a little girl".

Tears fell from Marshalls eyes as he looked at the little pup in Katie's hands.

Marshall "A little girl oh that's great just what me and Everest wanted".

Rose and Skye "so cute".

Rose "So what's going to be her name Marshall"?

Marshall smiled "Her name will be Lilly".

All three girls just "aaaaawwwwwww"

Skye "that's a lovely name for a girl pup".

Katie "Yes, it is now let's see if she will feed from Everest's tits" Katie put the pup close to Everest's tits and right away the pup started suckling "that's great to see".

Marshall nuzzled Everest as she rested "now we have a family as well".


Everyone cheered loudly.

The Sky patroller was nearing Gosford.

Rose's family saw on the news that the Paw Patrol was coming to the Gosford show.

Mum "Oh we must so go and get photos with them for Rose's room".

The rest of the family agreed.


Yes, I know not much happened but it is getting harder to think of stuff to happen so I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and please review thank you LPP OVER AND OUT.

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